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Last night a new hastag arrived in town, i’m not sure on the specifics on how it started, but #pizzagate quickly became a hastag for self deprecation and jokes mixing the actual gamergate-sjw situation with pizza. The hastag is full of humor regarding typical scenes of the last months arround gamergate and it has become trend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayCtU1ZttAc The funniest thing is that the SJW have aparently taken this seriously and they are spreading the lie that his is a harrassment campaing. It’s like the first days of gamergate again haha, there’s even articles about it. http://kukuruyo.com http://twitter.com/kukuruyo http://facebook.com/kukuruyo Commissions: http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-Rates-482916233 version castellano: http://kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-23-castellano/




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