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So, for those who didn't read the news, vocal gamergate member Roguestar made an obvious joke on twitter saying he would stop supporting gamergate if they donated 5000$ to their patreon. SJW's and specially Brianna wu didn't get the joke (or choose not to) and reported him for "blackmail". Patreon recognized this claims were false an apologized. Now Brianna is being reported for false accusations. ------- Para aquellos que no están a la ultima. El miembro relevante de gamergate Roguestar hizo una obvia broma en twitter diciendo que dejaría de apoyar a GG si le donaban 5000$ a su patreon. Los SJW, y especialmente Brianna wu, no pillaron la coña (o decidieron no pillarla) y le reportaron por "chantaje". Patreon ha reconocido que esto es mentira y se han disculpado. Ahora Brianna esta siendo reportada por falsas acusaciones. Podeis leerla en castellano en mi web http://kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-11-castellano/



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