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So folks, I'll give you an update. It might be a bit of a letdown... but I won't be able to release this month. 

However, I can confirm that it will be released next month. I expect to finish the animations by the middle of next week, and then it's just a few final context renders. Only the physics remain for the final render. With everything ready within Blender, I'll start assembling in the video editor and editing the audio. 

We're almost there guys, but there's still a bit of work to be done. I'm happy to see the excitement you're showing in the comments, thank you very much for your support!  (•ө•)♡

This is the last Work In Progress post for the Helen Parr animation "My friend's mom has a superhero ass", the next one will be the release link! ヽ(^o^)丿





It’s not a letdown. For me anyway. Obviously I’m looking forward to it. I told you that I’ve been checking my Patreon 4 times a day for any updates. That’s the truth lol. I thought it was pretty ambitious of you to say you were confident you’d be able to release it this month with this long of runtime. Around twenty minutes is a ton of work. I’d rather you take whatever time you need to be happy with the final product you give us. The “spoiler” looks great (Spoiler? Really? Like we weren’t going to spoil ourselves and click the download link immediately lol). ALL of that said… I’m probably going to check my Patreon feed 4 times a day still just in case you try to surprise us. 😄

Nick Nub

No problem on the wait. No rush as well because we all know the final product will definitely be worth the wait! Can't wait to see how it all turns out! 🔥


hahaha thank you (・ิω・ิ), but rest assured, I'm not sacrificing quality, everything is falling into place. I won't lie, I'm also anxious hahaha. Every spare moment I have, I'm working on it. I haven't even been able to stop to look at the renders of Celes ('・ω・')


Thank you Nick. Don't worry, I'm maintaining the quality and making sure everything's okay •̀.̫•́✧


I’m glad that you’re not willing to sacrifice your vision for the project just to try to meet your “this month” self imposed deadline. I’m fairly confident that I can speak for all of us that recognize your talent when I say, I wouldn’t want it any other way. As far as you being anxious… Don’t be. We’re all a member because we want to support you. You have nothing to worry about. We all wouldn’t be looking forward to it as much as we are if we didn’t think it is going to be great.


Any updates??


I'm finalizing the animations with their physics, and the video editor assembly is also in progress (・∀・) I wanted to enable a community chat through the browser, but Patreon hasn't made that option available to me yet.

Jordan Brooks

Bro i’m dying here, you said you might be ready at the end of last month, and it’s half way through March already, how long are you making me abstain lmao


(。ŏ﹏ŏ) As I said, my time to work on the project is still a bit distorted, which causes these inconsistencies. It was one of the reasons why I didn't set a specific date. I just ask for a little more of your patience. I dare say it will be worth it.


Is it releasing tomorrow ?


Can't wait to see the next part hopefully soon


Do you have a release date?


It’s finished when it’s finished Red. Don’t let people stress you out or feel like you have to rush to get it released with release date questions.


I have the release date. When you get a notification from Red saying it’s released? That’s the release date. Don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.


hahaha thank you RedRing, but it's okay, you guys being excited also makes me happy (*´∀`)


I accomplished what I set out to. I wanted to make you laugh. I saw people asking you for a release date several times and I was finally, “Chill guys.”