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It was tough to come up with 3 names I liked that had something to do with green so I just picked a name I liked for the 3rd option. (Too bad Jade and Ash were already taken)

Verdell - A French Name meaning: Green; flourishing.

Hunter - A shade of green

Riley - Nothing to to with green, I just like the name 


Nathan Curd

I thought of ‘Emerald’ when I saw him, but I like Riley.


The trick is to figure out what rolls off the tongue easier. "Mmmm yes, Riley". Perfect.

Darrex Rogers

One of my fave neutral names was Casey. Just puting my two cents out there.




Remi or Timothy.


<--- l use to hate the name till I became aware of my inclinations

Darrex Rogers

I was so-so about it until I wrote a story about a beautiful young man named Casey. Now I'm an avid fan.


Laurie would be cute


Kelly, possibly the most famous shade of green. Sage, another shade of green.

Caesar Zealad

Honestly if the name is Riley I feel like "Hunter" would be a good last name to pair with it. Sounds very "Stage Performer"-ey


Olive drab! ehhh, maybe that one doesn't work too well as a name lol


Riley is a cool name!