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So this is gonna be a bit different from other polls, basically I want to gauge interest in what character you'd like to see a full color comic made of. This isn't going to be like other polls where I will deliver it within the month, it's really to just get an idea of what you want to see. Comics are obviously a bigger time investment and I've just started See Ya Later Boi 2 so this is just so I can start planning the story and other ideas ahead of time. Ideally this is something I'd want to start making within the next 3 months but I'll see where I'm at then. Also I've left Orc boi off because he had a short comic earlier this year and I'm also working on another 4 page thing with him now. 

Thanks everyone! 



i'm not alone in wanting a cody comic, but i might be alone in wanting cody taken by tentacles...


I definitely think Kimono boy and Cody need more regular content, but Cody needs a comic.


We need Cody, Ash, and Jade all at once!


Yeah cant they ALL meet up at something like a hotel at comicon or something?


Definitely excited for Cody❣️


Or like an omegle where theyre all together and someone dares them to jerk together, then it gets out of (slash into one and others) hand


Femboi Island. "Welcome to Femboi Island. I am Mr. Roarke, your host."

Israel Benard II

Pls I need more of ma boi Caleb 😩


A comic about teasing Cody would be a gift from god!!


Wish there was an option for all of 'em.


I know I'm to late to the poll, but considering there's hardly anything with the kimono boy, I would love to see him in a comic.