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Hey everyone, first I just wanna say thanks to everyone for the kind words about my pc and offering to help pay for a new one or send me parts, you're all the best!

After I got everything set up about a week and a half ago I realised that it's spooky month and I didn't have anything planned and wanted to try get something before the end of the month, so I kinda started a comic....

I've had the idea to do a succubus comic for a while and with me wanting to start doing more comic stuff in general I figured it'd make for a good Halloween thing. 

So originally it was going to be 5 pages, I figured that would be doable for the end of the month but then I kept adding pages, and now it's looking like its going to be..... 11. As you can imagine its probably going to take up most of my time for now until the end of the month but I'm very hopeful I can do it.  I'm still not sure how I'll post them yet, maybe all at once here early, or a few at a time as I get them done.

On another note luckily all my files from my old pc were saved so I still have the drawings that were supposed to go up at the end of last month, I'll probably work on getting the last few little things done on them tomorrow or the next day and get them posted.  

Again thanks everyone for your patience and continued support!




Welcome back ~ ❤️


welcome back!! 🤍


Glad you are back! UwU <3


WHAT A GREAT FREAKING DAY glad you're back Dross 💕


welcome back :)


...With a BANG


Yay so glad you are back!


Glad to see you are back and I know we are all looking forward to your works as usual.

John WC808

A whole 11 pages of succuboi?!?! I’m in heaven 😍


Glad you’re back and everything worked out! Looking forward to the new stuff!


Yay!!! Glad to have ya back!!! Hope everything worked out in the end!


Glad to have you back and really excited for all the content coming!

Azure Orchid

So exciting that you're back! Glad things worked out!

Raging Striker

Welcome back. Glad you're well. Looking forward to seeing this new series


Welcome back! Not to split hairs but a Male succubus is an incubus


Yeah I know. Though a succubus is said to collect semen from the host and and incubus does the opposite which is why I like using male succubus. It fits the characteristics of him better.


soo happy your back!!! your art style is just soo UwU i luvvv it :3 do what you do best you beautiful person. thats why we are here ;D


Nice to see you again! Don’t push yourself. It’ll be done when it’s done


Succubois are the absolute best! Glad to hear that your stuff was saved and that you're able to continue putting out your amazing top notch work! Looking forward to this comic!

Hermes Cruz

Great, good to see you again Dross


Missed you Dross <3 is there a chance that you do a fallout theme


Missed you so much 😭


Saw the new comic and loved it! 👍❤️