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Hey there!

Idk really how to start this, but my motivation for art did go downhill the past few months.
In order to not quit, which I actually considered for a few weeks now,I have to make some changes and do need to cut out things.

First change: 20$ Tier are going to be removed. No more mini prints.
The Illustrations just take so much away from me every month. For the past 2 months, I just wished I could not do them, and even before I had this feeling a few times. But due to the 20$ Tier they needed to be done.
So the tier has to go. September is going to be the last month where mini prints are available. The tier is going to be deleted on September 30th.
SO PLEASE for everyone YOU NEED to remove your tier at the end of September and switch it on October 1st if you wanna come back. Otherwise you will be charged 20$ and will receive nothing because there is no tier.

Second change: 40$ Tier is going to drop to 35$
Because mini prints are missing the 40$ tier is gonna get cheaper! 2 Stickers and the Charm are going to stay.
Please remove your tier at the end of September and pledge to the new 35$ tier on October 1st!

Patreon request is going to be on hold for October.
I would like to not do Patreon's request in October so I can just focus on my own things and see how I still feel about them after that.
I also wanna address something more personal about the Patreon request.
Please at least write a simple "Thank you" if you receive one. It happened a bit too often since I started them that some didn't even say Thank you and it really sticks with me in a bad way.
I know that a lot really love the art I did for them and they did express it and it made me really happy and I wanna thank you guys for it.
But sadly the bad stuff always hits harder than it should and those few instances already left me questioning if I should keep doing them or just spend my time on different projects.
I don't wanna start big drama, it's just something I needed to get out. 

Merch theme for October!!:
Sticker and charm are going to be Pokemon Halloween-themed. The Pokemon I wanna draw have not been decided yet.

That's it so far. Thanks for reading & understanding! 



i can fully understand that. if I were you I'd feel incredibly drained from work too. you put so much time and effort into this, as it is your job but also your passion. I admire that and I think you should look back and be proud at yourself no matter if you don't feel like continuing like this or not. and for the love of God I cannot and will never understand people who don't say anything when they get art, which is pretty much gifted since the request tier is really cheap. and I'll be honest, nobody needs to love-spam if that's not their type, but even just "thank you." with nothing else would make me feel like they don't like it and whatever you're doing good 💛


I totally understand the motivation issues. And I can't fathom not saying anything after getting art... every art piece I get means a lot to me, to see my OCs drawn in someone else's style instead of my own for once, I would think that gratitude for that is guaranteed


Thank you so much btw for the kind words ;; I don't want big ass text walls I understand that some just can't do that. But a simple thank you would really just be enough. Thanks again tho ;;


I noticed your reaction made me really happy ;; Im glad you like the piece! Thanks a lot for your kind words tho ;;


Hey Rainbowscreen! I am really really sorry to hear that your motivation for art has dropped. I completely understand the changes, pray that it helps!!! I heavily heavily thank you everytime and chance I can get when you draw my OCs! Heck I go around my circles showing the amazing works and full on tell them to follow ya hahahaha I do hope these late words help ya out!


Completely understand these changes and I hope they'll make things easier for you going forward! And I would also like to apologize for not making my gratitude more clear last month. It was a lovely peice and I am greatfull to have been chosen.


It is a shame you are stopping the mini prints I love your artwork and it’s nice to have a physical copy but I understand that you have your own personal stuff your dealing with I’m glad I was able to get the ones I have but it is a shame I won’t get anymore after this month keep up the beautiful art and I’ll try my best to continue to support you.


Just now reading this, it’s good that you spoke up about your struggles. Being new here I have no say but I personally love your work and will support you through and through. Do what’s necessary to keep your head straight, you can do it!

Shade H

question. since i joined late in in month an my patreon doesnt pay until the day i joined does that meen i need to change my membership before the 22 of september


My Patreon dosen't work that way. The billing starts directly when you join and you get charged again on the 1st of each month if you stay. Because I have Monthly payment. So please leave the tier at the end of september and join to another one in october if you still wanna come back.c: