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SO May is coming soon and I just wanted to give  a heads up that there will not be so much content in May

BOTW2 gonna released on May 12th it's a Friday and I'm gonna take the weekend off and MAYBE Monday to just play this game

ALSO from May 22nd-26th I'm on vacation with my GF, and we gonna travel to London. That's my first time being so far away from Germany.
No content updates while Im on vacation!

Otherwise, I try to draw as much as I can so you guys don't feel like your money is wasted!
Merch gonna go on normally, Shipping could be a bit late but I update the tiers thru Dms!

Im not sure how fast I get all my illustrations done but I would love to do at least a small animation before May ends.
No promises on that.

Thanks for reading and for the amazing support! Hope you guys feel great and you are great!



Have a great vacation!


Enjoy London! The weather should have cleared up by then so it'll hopefully be sunny for ya both :)