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Just posting this since I like how it looks ;;

The sketchy lines made the progress of doing clean-ups WAY more comfortable for me. I'm gonna keep working the weekend on it and hopefully Im managing to get it done by Sunday!

I know a lot of things are still wobbly but like I said a few times before I rather finish things unperfect than spend days on making them perfect! All the fun would be gone then.

But hopefully, you guys still enjoy it ;; 



Glaze Wolf

I absolutely love it! Butt so hypnotic it makes me wanna worship it.. I'd volunteer myself! ;3 Nah, but great work! Love how it's coming out!

Olreil Ryuukishi (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 20:22:03 Its amazing love how much you have progess with animation nwn and glad to see how much farther you will advance on ti x3 also love this view of screeny and the wiggle of the boobs goos 7w7 <3
2022-08-26 14:36:31 Its amazing love how much you have progess with animation nwn and glad to see how much farther you will advance on ti x3 also love this view of screeny and the wiggle of the boobs goos 7w7 <3

Its amazing love how much you have progess with animation nwn and glad to see how much farther you will advance on ti x3 also love this view of screeny and the wiggle of the boobs goos 7w7 <3