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So we gonna switch things a bit this month! Instead of asking my Ocs! You guys get to ask my Sona Ashley...so you actually asking me!

I'm gonna answer every question, a few with art and some just in the comments!

Here is she! So go ahead and ask her/ me everything you wanna!

3 questions per person only!

Ref sheet:



Ashley, how was your vacation? Did you get to try anything fun at the island?


Ashley, did you see Jacky doing the deed on the island? (The Jacky Public picture as reference)


We can tell you like marine animals a lot, but what's your favorite animal?


What's life like in your country?

Olreil Ryuukishi

Whats her biggest swear combo she ever shouted, to who he shouted it to and what happened that caused her to swear that much?


Ashley, what’s a sexual scenario that never fails to get you going? Also, three of your favorite sex positions?


Hey there! If you could have a collab with one artist/character, who would it be and why?


What is your opinion on magic as it is in fiction? What would be your type of NSFW art to draw?


Secretly_Saucy and Ulitochka would be amazing they are my biggest inspirations atm and it would be an honor to work with them ;;


It's a funny question but sadly I have no answer to that XD I usually only say Fuck or other casual shit like that


It's okay I guess? Germany isn't really amazing but also not too bad right now. I wouldn't mind leaving the country tho


It was amazing! would go there again in the future :D We went to the beach and ate in restaurants, had a bike tour, and walked a lot around the island and the city. They had a really nice wellness center there which we visited!


What I meant was your favorite type of NSFW art; but I managed to miss that when I made this comment.