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So I was pretty productive today!

1: Idk why but I thought making Porn of the Fortnite Lama would be fun so here we are with a Sketch page... ENJOY XDD

2:  Made a quick Jaiden Sketch! Thought she needed a pic again after that I try to come up with a Screeny one :D

3: Sketch for a secret project XP

4: Just the Screeny Animation WIP. I don't plan to fully color and finish this, I will fix the animation and Sketch over it to make it cleaner but that's it. I dislike doing flat colors, so I rather do the animation. Maybe one day I can pay someone to do the flats for me 



Glaze Wolf

Ah! I love all of em! I'm especially drawn to the animation with Screeny, lovely work! :3


Happy to see you in good workflow, plenty of great ideas. Looking forward to see all them in finite form!


Your in the zone~ I love how things are coming together. :3 <3