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I have a Dentist's appointment today.

I had this small hole in my tooth which I wanted to get treatment for. I went to my dentist and it HURT even after 2-3 anesthesia. They did stop the treatment for that day and were like " Take 2 strong painkillers and come back on another date"...???

I did find this so unprofessional that I just switched to the dentist. So I already talked with my new one 2 months ago and today is my final appointment for it. I'm pretty scared that it will hurt as much as before when I went to my other dentist...

SO just wanna say I maybe don't draw today and tomorrow. I'm just not in a mental state today and IDK how I feel tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm gonna work on the weekend for sure then! Sry for that I thought I would be a bit braver but the whole shit is killing me mental :"3 

My Appointment yesterday was pretty good! I was like 3h there but everything went super professional. I didn't had any pain and my new dentist is amazing!. I just got headaches now but painkillers will deal with that. Gonna work on the weekend since I have nothing else to do :D So be prepared for some art!



Well, to speak on my own personal experience with tooth pain: It sucks a lot of balls. Don't hit yourself about it, and get well. ;)


I know the pain of teeth, I've had several of mine drill'd and had fillings put it them. It hurts a lot even with numb neddle.


If it hurts to much I will 100% not deal with that and ask again for the general anesthetic ans not for the local one. Not going thru that fucking pain again


I hope you will find someone else who will take a good care of your tooth, because mouth health is very important, since it can cause problems in the future. Hope that everything will go well later on. <3


Like said in the description I got an appointment today and already got a new dentist. Just don't know if he does the same mistakes XD


Hoping they will not.