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Hello people!! Hope you got a nice day!!  Gonna excplain my future plans to you guys!

News 10$ Tier removal:
The 10$ tier will be deleted at the end of December 31st. 

I really don’t want to do any art request anymore for a lot of reasons. 

I opened a patreon in the first place to get away from commissions. Doing request feels like patreon loses its purpose for me. I don’t enjoy doing them. This has 100% nothing to do with the people who receive and ask for the request. It’s only about my own personal feelings. So please, do not take this point personal at all. You were always super nice and supporting! 

Second point is I just really really dislike that I can’t do each and everyone’s request. I want to offer rewards that I can give out to everyone equally and just picking 2-3 people each month, because mentally I can’t handle more, just hurts. Everytime I feel bad for not doing all requests. 

So the Tier will be removed at the end of the Month and I hope some of you will stay in a lower tier or maybe jump to the 20$ one!

News 20 Tier comming back + some other rewards:
SO on January 1st the 20$Tier will be back with Mini prints!!! I’m already preparing some stuff this month and the tier will be back.

I will send out 2-3 Mini prints a month to everyone in that tier and hopefully you guys find joy in them!

30 Slots will be open and if the first month is going well I will upgrade it to 80 Slots in February/March and hopefully maybe more depending on how well the post service is going. I don’t want to risk too much trouble with the post service if I open up too many slots at once.  

Step by Step gifs will back in January for some chosen pictures, most likely the Patreon rewards. Access for 3$ and higher tier Patreons 

Atm I have sadly nothing more exciting to add even so I would love to do Stickers, Charms and Pins but I sadly didn’t got around to prepare for those things. Guess that will be a 2022 thing finally. It has a lot to do with taxes and more bureaucratic stuff and I have to admit that my laziness always wins that round when I wanna actually take care of it. RIP 

Thanks a lot for reading. Sry for everyone who is disappointed about the 10$



It's gonna be sad to see the $10 tier go, but I understand. Money's a little tight and I'm moving, so I'm not sure if I can join the first $20 tier group, but if you expand it like you said then I should definitely be able to join in the second group!


I just happened to join the $10 one, only to have it be removed x3 Oh well hah, i'll just have to change tiers when it gets removed... probably the $20.