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I sketched Zoey Screeny and Sky as Furries!

Zoey was pretty easy to make into a Bunny form but the main problem I have is about her markings and colors! Im usually not a big Bunny Anthro Fan but lets see! I also think I re do her air a bit. Even on her Human form I wasnt sure if I really liked the way it looked.

Sky is a Kirin, horse dragon mix and I think her normal colors will be nice on her! I always wanted a horse Anthro chara but I always thought it would not fit into my crew.

Screeny was a hard one I had some ideas for her as a Skunk or Opossums, but I could not conntect to either of those so I did go with a bat. I did found this quit fitting tbh.

Im super tempt to make them fully Furry but I first need to work on markings and such and see how I like those




Screeny actually looks really good as a bat. It fits her well.


Bat Screeny?.... Didn't know I needed this but now i do.


Omg I'm in love with all 3!


All three are freaking amazing! Great job boss!


Absolutely. Fucking. AMAZING.


Really solid designs so far!


All 3 of them look great!


Like they said above, they all love it. I love it as well. These are awesome designs.