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You can just skip it if you dont care! Its just an update about my teeth!

SO I actually had my appointment today. I know I said I should had it yesterday but I kinda was wrong with the date.

They had to stop the treatment today because it was pretty hurtfull and even with 2 local anesthetics it didnt work out. I cried and the gave me a new appointment in fucking october where Im not sure what they wanna do?? Since she didnt even really explained when I asked.

I will get a second opinion from a diffrent doc as soon as I can. The Dentist I usually go to is pretty good but since the last few times I was there she isnt as good as befor? Evene my GF noticed it since she is going to the same one.

The pain I had today was the same one I had when I got one of my wisdom tooth out. The wisdom Tooth had to be broken in 4 to get it even out. I had 6 local anesthetics and still feelt pain and they also did hit a nerve and for like 2 years the left tip of my tongue was numb. ( was a diffrent dentist then the one I usually go to  ) I will not go thru this painfull shit once more. I hope the doc I wanna go to next can actually help better and even let me choose to get a full general anesthetic.

Idk how I will feel after the local anesthetics goes away but I hope it dosent hurt to bad, I really dont wanna keep taking pain killers haha.

THANKS for reading about my teeth issus haha 



Fuckin yikes, that sounds awful! I hope you can get it sorted sooner than that


Sounds like the roots are still there, you may need a root canal. Especially for the wisdom teeth. But I do hoe you get better soon screeny. Tooth pains are no joke


Its not about the wisdom tooth all 4 are gone since a few years! But idk my dentist didn't talked to me about what it really is so I rather go to a diffrent one and get a second opinion. Even with starting the treatment she coulnt say how much needed to be done which sucks.


Ein Albtraum

Midnight Sparkle

Darn, that’s rough. I hope the other doctor can sort things out for you.


Hope your teefies get better Ms. Screen. I had a pretty huge oral surgery years ago and I can definitely relate to how much that stuff hurts. Hope you get better soon.


Yikes, that sounds really really weird. Wishing you all the best for the next appointment. If they can't/won't give you an explanation of what is wrong, refuse to leave until they give you one, preferably on paper? I'm pretty sure that you are within your rights to demand to know what is going on with your medical (mind you I'm in Canada so laws may be different).