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OKAY I worked on that today!! I wanna do some more inbetween frames tomorrow so it goes a bit smoother. I want that her boobs move more and the hair!

The linework for that will not be super clean and smooth! I will  do a Bg for it and color it but I dont wanna spent that much time on the outlines. I really like Tabuleys work and his more sketchy outlines for his animations, so I really wanna try that!

I plan to let her expression change at the end with a cute smily and close eyes, so the view stays a bit longer still so you guys can see her ass better!
Lets see how far I come tomorrow :D!




Mmmm~ Such a good pose, I can imagine the nude pool piece you made turning into this when she gets up and bends over for the audience. Keep up the good work!


Urge to play bongos on her bum...RISING.