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SO I start finishing this one the next few days!!

I dont plan to make her hair more fluite since just this little bit cost me almost the whole day and I dont wanna spent 100 years on one animation! But I think it will get better with each one I do.

I still need to add blue in the bg who will not get much frames since he isnt really the focus.
Quite excited about the linework this time since I found a style for now that I like and is fitting to the rest of my art works!

When the outlines are done I update you guys again! 




Yeah, this looks pretty good now! Great work! Can't wait to see it finished!


Zoey is getting that workout alright~ I can't wait to see it eventually, also, I'm patient, I don't mind if you take more time to make it perfect the way you want to.


Loving thissss, can't wait to see it done!!!


It mostly just will give me a burn out and takes away all the fun wheb I start to try to make it perfect or just put way to much time in it ;; So I rather do a bit more rough animations at some points so I can just lean step by step!


Ohhh wow, that's a lot of hair to animate, that's impressive! And I love the pose. I do hope Blue gets a couple drawings where he's the main focus someday if you feel like it, he's really handsome


Oh. My. Fucking. Lord. I am so envious of that unnamed guy.