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sk OCs is back!!! Only for 5-10$ Patreons atm, the art works I do are also only avaible for named tiers! .  
Feel free to ask My Ocs what ever you want! Don't expect anything complex I will mostly experiment with a more simple cartoony style/ sketch style. Be aware that I can`t answer all questions  <3

So feel free to always come back to it to ask something!  
OCs  you can ask: Penelope Jaiden Sky Screeny Mochi, Zoey   Scarlet,  Blue, Ethan and Lotti  
Rrefs for all of them here: https://www.patreon.com/rainbowscreenart?filters[tag]=Refsheets

If you questioned something in the past that I didnt answered yet feel free to ask the same thing again! Previews post so you can just copy past your question!



Mochi, how long has Lotti been 'working' in your shop now?


Screeny, do you know about Blue's secret? If so, do you have fun with him?


Zoey, what kind of clothing do you wear if you want to be risky in public? ;)


Sky, what is the naughtiest thing you've done that your friends don't even know?


Penny, how big is your wardrobe? Have any fun things in there?


Does the girl who Screeny possessed ever try to take her body back, or is she even aware of what's happening?


Sky, how powerful can your lightning magic get? We've seen a little here and there, but I'm curious what your limit is.


Penny: whats you favorite toy ;)


Jaiden, what's your favorite drink? Could be just a drink, or one of your own mixes.


Blue, what's your favorite kind of video game?

Crystal Razorback

Lotti: do you ever help sky out in the kitchen?

Crystal Razorback

Scarlet, what's ur fave backdrop for photo shoots.

Crystal Razorback

Mochi: who is a good girl?!? YOU ARE!!


Penelope, what's your favourite dish and why?


Penelope, if you had a chance to date the sushi guy again, would you do it?


for scarlet: if you went to the movies who would you invite?