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So just a small update because I dont have much to say!
he is at home since 3 days and is doing well ;;

We had a check up with him yesterday where the tested his blood and also saw that he had fever and to many White blood cells. We dont know what it cause but he got treatment for that.
We still wait for some results from the clinic X: Hopefully we gonna get them finally next week because they can 100% tell us then what he actually caught.

Other whise he is doing fine he eats sleeps and walks around sometimes! It also feels like that he is really happy to be home, since a few days we sleep on the couch in the living room where he also sleeps since the day we got him back ;; 

Thanks to the money we where able to get thru GoFoundMe, the YCH and commissions we can keep buying medications and do future check ups!

Thanks again for all the support guys I will tell you more when we have the test results from the clinic!





Best wishes!


Glad to see that everything was sorted, I'm curious about what he caught that messed him up so much. I'm glad he's recovering from it and I'm proud that the community was able to help you two out. I wish all the love and support to the little guy. <3


I'm so happy for you that everyting went well. And I also pray, that the results will turn out harmless. 🤞


I am so happy to hear that they are recovering well!