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I highly think about deleting the discord server.

I'm never in there and always feel bad for not chatting actively with you guys.
But I also can't change it really since I either work or care for my daily life/ do selfcare.

The server feels more and more like a useless reward to my patreon and I rather want rewards where I'm more activ?
The dislike for Servers also dosen't help, its so hard for me to keep up with all the diffrent channels.
I like to have one big group where everyone is chatting and sharing stuff and not split it into 300 channels.

I would keep the server up if you guys really want to other whise I will delete it at the start of Febuary.

PS PS: just do a poll tomorrow to let you guys vote!!

Ps: I'm working atm on sketches for upcomming content which I hopefully can post in Friday TwT



I like server

Edo Nova

Dont worry


This is completely up to you ^^


Keep it plz


I do like using Discord, you could practice streaming on there only with just your selected Patreon followers. Overall, I think you should give it a second chance. It's quirky, but in it's own way.

Holy Zen!

I kind of like the server, not just for the interaction with you, but also for the small community that's there. I'd appreciate it if you kept it, but if it's nothing but guilt for you, I'd understand if you removed it.


I'm mostly just in there for the art sharing channels, that's my favorite thing. I don't really engage with people in any other way. I think it would be okay to leave a new admin if you wish to depart though, you shouldn't have to treat the server as work anyways, it should be a fun place and if it's not fun then you don't have to stay. :3


I don't like the idea of hidden privat streams only for patreons. If I stream it should be for everyone :/


Again, it's for practice~ You don't have to do so. I was just following an example that FoxInShadow was doing.


Have you thought of appointing people to run it for you? perhaps a bot that auto reposts new rewards to a channel.


There also people in there who are not patrons Anymore. So posting rewards there would be unfair And isn't the whole sence of a discord server from a content creator that they are aktiv in it? If I would give the server to someone else I would 100% just go out of it. :/ I have personally not interessted to be in there or devolve it somehow


It's pretty easy to restrict a channel to only active subscribers.


I really don't think I wanna do that. I'm already not activ in discord and to remind myself to post the updates there when I don't even look into the server for month sounds like a pain. I don't even use discord that much except for the big Commissions. People can use the Patreon app and get push notificarions directly from Patreon instead of going thru a third Party app.


Hmmmmmmmm! Hard choice! I'm not speaking for everyone here, but in the past, I've suggested a joint discord server. Does Rainbow know of any other Discord (maintained by friends or fellow artists or etc.) that everyone could join?