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Just wanted to say that I would like to take a little break only draw what I want if I wanna draw.

Don't feel so positiv about my art atm and I wanna take it easy :/
sry for the lack of content this month ;;
Bet I feel better in a few days!



Hope you feel better soon! Take your time!


Sa yah!


Awesome art, RainbowScreen!


Kein Thema, hab deinen Twitter Post grade auch schon gesehen. Schalte ein paar Tage ab, dann wird das sicher :3 Take care ^.^


Your absolutely fine, everyone needs to take a break every now and then. Just wanting to say that I love your art style and you take as long as you need.


That's probably the best thing to do! It could be burn out, don't be too hard on yourself :) Hope taking a break can help you feel better! We all love your stuff <3


Hey, it's fine, especially since it's getting closer to the holidays. Take the time you need and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Yea everyone here agrees you should take some good time off! Your artwork is truly amazing regardless of the frequency of how many come out. Taking care of yourself is always first priority and true supporters will agree and tag along with you on the break.


I wish you the best of everything, to stay healthy. Rest asure, we all love you, for the content, you are giving us. Take a rest, over the holidays. We will wait for your return. :)


Of course! Your health comes first. We don't want you burning yourself out by overdoing the art you put out


We all love you and your work! Don't worry about us, we will be happy that you are keeping yourself healthy in body and spirit!