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So since my original characters dominate 99% of the time the Polls. You guys feel there is a need to alternating between Fan and Original content?

What I would do is: 
Doing one Suggestion post and polls where Only original content is mentioned. After those pics are done, a fan art only suggestion post and poll would be up next, and then repead the circle. Commissions will still be done inbetween and the amount of art works, 4 Charas and only 2 get drawn stays the same. 

Would be nice if you guya can give alao Input thru a comment!



Personally I just love your OCs too much,bit don't mind them dominating the polls :D


I like to see you alternate, I sorta wanna see some other characters, Still love seeing your OCs.

Nightseer Night

I like the idea of making separate polls cause it'll allow you to try various characters without the risk of getting burnt out from doing th same thing all the time. For example, if Penny is in the poll she's guaranteed to win. This prevents you from experimenting with a different character and trying new things. (And don't get me wrong, Penny's my favorite character period.)


I'm gonna try to do 1 Penny pic each month anway since she is the most liked and I just enjoy drawing her XP I really have to try it out since its way easier to come up with poses and ideas for my OCs then to do some for charas I never heard of X: . But yeah I still gonna try depending what the poll says!


I personally like the idea of alternating but in my opinion I think the poll alternating should be "Your OC's" then "Fan Character's" and then "Your OC's & Fan Character's excluding Penny". You have excluded Penny in the past (Mainly because you already had an idea of your own for her) but by doing that more often, it gives you a chance to draw more your other OC's and raise the amount of art pieces you have of each one. Because honestly Penny has more art than all of them combined. It could be just a temporary thing just to help each of your other OC's have a bit more art of them but I just wanted to let you know my opinion.


Thanks for the Input! I really don't see why a rotation between 3 diffrent polls would be even needed? I want to have at least 1 Penelope picture per month and she is also the most liked and my main. Its just normal that I draw her the most :/. I really don't want to lower the amount of art I do for her ^^" I really feel like my other OCs still get enough love/art . Not the same way Penelope does ofc since they are all not my "main" main ocs like Penelope is. Also Penelope is like 6 years old to this point which like half of my OCs atm don't even reach close to! So Ofc she also has the most art of all of them. I would rather stick to the 2 polls idea. one for original art and one for fan art. Since 3 polls seem a bit pointless to me and also a bit much. Imagen the 3 polls and in the 3rd poll where my OCs and Fan art charas are combinted in, the Originals get voted again. Thats the oppeside of the thing I maybe wanna change here with the polls XD

Nightseer Night

To reply to your inquiry, I mean trying new design methods and styles like when you made Mochi and experimented with a different art style. Certain characters that look different could allow you to try different styles and designs with them. The fetishes are fine as they are. For example, have you experimented with trying a more realistic style and or a more cartoonist style? (And please note I love your style and I just want to encourage.)


I'm reaaaally not interessted in any kind of style Experiment tbh. I'm done with that phase XD I can actually draw pretty cartoony since this is quite easy to do. But I really really don't want any experiment. I did this already in the past while figuring out what I want for my art and it took me years to understand how I want my art to look while trying out diffrent styles. The only thing is that I want to expant the style I have now and figure out how to improve my art while keeping this one since I really like my art style.

Nightseer Night

Very well, I appreciate the explanation. Keep up the good work!


While it is nice to see your fanart of other characters, when you draw your own OCs, we don't just get to see new sexy art. We also get to see you develop your OCs a bit (i.e. seeing Mochi's workplace, Jaiden's teasing personality, etc.) That's what I prefer. If it makes sense, other creators can develop their own characters' personalities, and you're the only one who can develop your own OCs' personalities.


Absolutely love your work whatever you do! Does this help you make a choice? Probably not, sorrynotsorry.