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So I can finally show my farm girls!!! I'm so excited. I want to make small art packs of each of those girls. But I wanna let you guys vote who you would want first! Gonna write some Information down about them so you can decide better who to vote for first! Those artworks will be a side project next to everything else so don't expect weekly updates! If you start liking the girls enough I will consider to make them as a side cast next to the one from Penelope!

The girls:

Hattie the Chicken: She has a motherly character. Super sweet and caring loves cooking and baking. But she can also have a rough tone when needed! She takes care of the household, paper work and her 3 adopted kids. She is always up for a nice round of fun beside work.

Piper the Pig: She can't talk, or at least everyone believes she can't since she never spoke a word since she started to live on the Farm. Piper loves to jump into mut and makes herself dirty but has a huge fable to keep everything else clean. She can be a bit of a troublemaker and rather plays around instead of working.

Ember the Cattle: She is the hard working soul on this farm. Always out doing something. Taking care of the fields where they grow veggies. Fixing broken places and making sure everything is working. Strong cowgirl

Faith the Horse: Faith is a really shy girl but even so she takes care of the Farm shop they have and in her free time she rather spent time in her small extra garden. She blushes fast and gets nervous when talking to men.



I like every farm girl. I have something to ask Ember. May I ask for a glass of milk? Is it possible? XD


It is a sad fact. :( Nevertheless, I like you Ember. XD I'll look forward to a good picture Rainbow.


Oh heck this is a hard choice. Ember or Faith... Ember because cute, honest, hard worker. But Faith because cute, tall, shy...


These polls feel like personality tests for us :O how well do my tastes match the other RainbowScreen patrons?