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So I'm back with art! I just gonna go slowly this week
I will work 4-6h instead of my 8h just so I don't overwork my wrist again. Art will be a bit more sketchy this month.
It can happen that I don't draw at all this week, you guys will notice it then when I don't post anything! But I try my best to work as much as I can this ;;

I just recommend if your not interested in next month content thru me being slow and the fact that I do it a bit more sketchy I recommend to cancle your pledge today or tomorrow!!
Since you gonna pay again on the 1st of July!
I'm happy to see you back soon then!

Thank you guys for the support!



Cancel my pledge because your gonna do more sketch and take it slow this month? Nah not gonna happen. 😋 But I'm glad you are taking it slow this time since you been so busy after you moved in to your new apartment.


Take your time <3


So glad that you are back! Please take as much time as you need!