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So, guys, I thought I let you again know what's going on since I didn't really gave any updates >w<

New Cat:

Gf and I got a new baby kitten. We decided to keep our ragdoll Milo that we originally bought for Deku as a buddy(( Deku is the cat we lost </3 ))
First, we wanted one out of a shelter since we thought giving one there a good home would be nice! But after visiting 7 Shelters where they either didn't have kittens and if they had some, they were sick OR would only give them away as a pair.
3 Cats aren't an option; getting an older cat wasn't an option either since the shelters always told us to get a cat that was in Milos age. Most cats here in shelters are around 3-7.
We looked at eBay classifieds then and found one that catches our interest!
On the same day where we found them, we got invited to visiting the little one and it was so surprising how trustful and cuddly the kittens were. We decided then to take the little black one home 2 days later ;;

Btw getting a cat from eBay classfields is something really common here in Germany. That's a place where there try to sell their cats or animals, in general, before they give them away to a shelter!
Just as a side note we don't have kill shelters here!

We have him at home now since Thurthday! His name Eddy short for Edward >w< He is 14 weeks old now and bigger than the pic above shows!  Gf and I were quite busy looking after Milo and Eddy since they were not getting along so well at the beginning! One reason why I was so slow the last few days ;; But now they even play together! Hopefully, they become best buddies soon <3

Deku's Urn:
We finally got the Urn from our cat. It took 2 weeks until we finally got it ;; We paid like 340 euro for it but GF and I are SO DAMN glad we did it! In Germany you get either the option to bury the animal in your garden, burn it and get an urn OR leave it at the vet where they put it in a cold box with a lot of other dead animals and when the box is full a company picks it up and they burn the animals to make energy out of it :'3... So yeah we are glad to have him home.
If you're from Germany and don't have a garden and you don't want your animal to become energy, it's better so save up money to burn them later to have them as an urn at home.
Btw it was so expensive because he got a Single cremation. There is also a group cremation option but then they scatter the ashes for you in water or forest.
We still wanna print out photos and put them there. We also plan to get a tattoo with his name on it but so far this is for next year!
Thank you again, everyone, who left so many nice words and also were so supportive in September <3

New Game:
Just a new Switch game I really enjoy! If you like farming games and you're thirsty for one I would REALLY recommend getting that game! Idk any of the Doreamon charas but so far it's so much fun ;; The game itself is damn pretty and has a lot of story!
I thought it would be nice to share this one since people don't seem to know that this game exists!
If you buy it plz tell me what do you think!

Also, have a random pic from Milo C:

Btw its Saturday. I will not draw today, I'm tired and we have to clean our flat RIP. But on Monday I will put out a few sketches! I already made 2 but I wanna post a whole bunch of sketches that I also can finish in the days after it!

thanks for reading and your support <3




Awww he's lovely ^w^


Freut mich das eure Kitten sich nun langsam vertragen und zsm. spielen :3 Ich suche mir gerade auch eine Katze über Ebay Kleinanzeigen, hoffe das wird was. Genießt euer Wochenende und erholt dich gut. *sending soft hugs* ^-^


Wenn du tipps brauchst worauf du achten solltes frag einfach! Würd sonst schauen ob du selbst vielleicht 2 aus dem tierheim nimmst :D vielleicht sogar ältere katzen wenns möglich ist. Es gab echt viele tolle ältere katzen dort aber leider können wir die nicht aufnehmen ;; Wenn die beiden hier mal nicht mehr sind oder wir viel mehr platz haben wollen wir uns auch 2 Ältere hollen!

Ohad Kanne

What an adorable kitten! Congrats on giving him a new home ❤️ Glad to see you got Deku back. Keep him in your hearts forever ❤️ Knowing how much you love the animal crossing games and farm sims, I had a feeling you'd go for that game! Doraemon is super cure and super popular in Japan. He's been running strong for close to 50 years there!


Those are super cute kittens! Hope they are nothing but a bundle of joy for you!


Another beautiful kitten added into the family. It's great to hear two of your kittens are getting along now. I wish them well and in good health too!


SO ADORABLE! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your kitties playing together! I'm glad that you've got an memorial urn for Deku When my cat Gaela left me so suddenly, I chose the person urn option (the options were communal cremation with other passed pets, or personal cremation and ashes returned to me in a wooden urn with her name engraved). I also got a small amount of her ashes put into tattoo ink, and had an artist use it to tattoo her paw print over my heart. I am going to check that game out! If you haven't taken a look at Dragon Quest Builders 2, you might like it. It's got a whole farming and settlement building (often likened to Minecraft) system too.