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Hi everyone,

Project 13 is now available for grab.

As per usual, you will find right under here the links for the download, 1080P and 4K versions :


If the google drive link does not function correctly, you can try the MEGA folder here :




I apologize everyone for the lack of updates and late release of the video.
In fact, I have been suffering from an arm injury sustained during work, which have considerably limited my movement. My right arm has been plastered and significantly limited to use. I was explained that I need to keep the cast on for another 3 weeks for it to completely heal.

While I am still able to do some work, and luckily, I have made a lot of advancement beforehand for PROJECT 13. This allowed me to release the video in time. However, I am unable to release the bonus contents in the deadline, and those videos might come in a week or two in December.

For those reasons, I will also be unable to work on a PROJECT 14 video for the month of December. I will try to work on smaller sized videos for that month in order to make up for my unability to make the main video.

For those who would like to cancel their subscriptions for December, I completly understand and I will try to recover as fast as possible to be back online and fully operational.

And for those who would like to keep their subscriptions for that month regardless of the situation. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your endless support !

That is all for me,

Thank you all once again !  




It pains me to imagine the pain of your injury and the inconvenience of living with it. Please take care of yourself.

Lethuhien Le

I hope you take some time to rest and that you will soon recover so you can continue to create amazing works of art.


Hey I haven’t been able to view the Project 13 videos… google says 4k one is unavailable and mega says I need a decryption key. Where can I find the key? How about for the other videos?




Take good care of yourself❤️


amazing work! thank you always and hope you better soon!


Hey Mack, hope you are gradually feeling better. I realised that there might be something happened to you when I didn't see any updates from your channel like usual. But I reckon there is another positive side during your break time. You will have more private time to overview your past work and feel eased to explore what sort of work you going to create in the future, There will be no things like due date to pressure on you. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's mind. You can't satisfy everyone's desire but you can create your own journey to gather people who truly admire you.


I can see that you are gradually making improvement on each of your project. Like some blood vessel feature on the feet and the thickness of female character's body part (legs, butt). I love those improvement. Really great work Mack, you are good and I believe you will be better for sure. One last tip, I know it's probably because of your arm, the project 13 is like a bit of unfinished, like the sweaty skin or the colour saturation . I don't know the professional expression XD. But this doesn't affect I like all of your work.


Project 10 can't download now,plz fix it bro


Just joined, can I still obtain my previous works?


Hope you have a smooth recovery! Wondering what the decryption code for the Mega file is. Thx


Finnaly release without white cuck shit. More of those


quailty getting better and better through the project! take care yourself!


Can we see one of these where shes wearing full latex?


Incredible work. You are an artist who will inspire many others in the future! Please continue what you do!


Loved the belly bulging scenes. Nice work

hy l


hy l
