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You will never see us masturbate ever again.

Thanks Aidan for suggesting this video! If you've got some video suggestions, jump on discord and let us know!



hunter natonewski

I was itching for a new boy boy video like how a junkie is when they need their fix


You guys chose to listen to the no fap guys instead of me who told you not to react to them…

Thaddeus Tobin

You're going to struggle to sell people on the Patreon if you advertise that you're not masturbating on it.


they should never have listened to me, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into


Fapping to boy boy videos right now to help you through your struggle


Thank you so much for this. Its important to me that the YouTubers I watch are full of cum.

Ellie Shedden

Thank god guys, they finally stopped fapping

Marius Schoeman

"Either I have sex with him, or I beat him up." The only two choices a man has to make.

Ellie Shedden

I'm curious about the rules for non-men when it comes to no fap. Like is it just guys with dicks who benefit from it or will I also get a six pack and a girlfriend if I stop fapping?

Yaneli Amaya

Please trigger warning for us ex-catholics, I do not like to be reminded god was watching while I was fapping :(


Someone who's whole existence and self worth being based on how much they're attracting and having sex with women is just sad. Especially this dude who calls it 'self improvement' and 'becoming an Adonis', surely you realise the fundamental flaw in that everything you're doing is for impressing and attracting someone else. It's not for you. You're living for someone else, which isn't the whole reason for 'becoming a chad' is to not do that? That's all without mentioning how disgusting it is to treat an entire sex like an obtainable object.


Men do need to ejaculate regularly to maintain peak reproductive health, but they shouldn’t be using pornography to do so. Besides the fact that it has many negative health effects, pornography is heavily connected to sex trafficking, domestic abuse, child abuse, and pedophilia rings. It’s an evil and disgusting industry that no one should be supporting. There is absolutely no way to consume porn ethically because you can never guarantee that the people you are watching are involved consensually. You could be watching someone be raped, trafficked, or filmed without their knowledge. Just don’t consume porn.


Let’s play “spot the masturbators” and then tell a guy named Jeffrey he is a twat-waffle…seems like a full day of fun


I’m sorry, but the caption “You will never see us masturbate ever again” implies that some of the audience has seen you guys masturbate before…🤨 I, for one do not belong to that group and won’t ever now that you’ve followed this guy’s advice.

The Socialist Communist

Im going to dedicate my next fap to humza now as a toast to his generosity in sharing such truths with us mere fappers

BJ Kokos

Let's all crank one out for this guy.


how am i supposed to stop fapping if you guys keep posting??


A concerning use of the word again 😂

Average West Aussie

just to be spiteful I have been fapping during this entire video


Respectfully, I think there's a difference between illegal porn and consensual, paid actors or people who are making stuff for fun. It's definitely important to be careful about what to watch and where to watch it, but it's perfectly healthy in moderation. In fact "porn addiction" isn't a real thing that's recognised by the medical community as a whole. It's addictive in the sense that anything fun can be addictive but not in the sense that porn itself is addictive. It's perfectly fine to choose not to watch porn but keep in mind that there are lots of law abiding, consensual adults that rely on sex work of various kinds to pay their rent, and a lot of people support it the same way that we're supporting Boy Boy.

Barend Lahm

I think the only reason he's talking about shame is because he's talking to teenage boys.


Just get together with the homies and wank each other off. *LOOPHOLE*


When he said it's unbelievable that someone would make fun of you for trying to be healthier, I was gonna comment saying "what are the odds he makes fun of fat people without knowing their dietary history", and then sure enough...


nooo you guys were so hot :/


I've never drunk more than a combined 10 sips of alcohol in my whole life. Where's my six pack?! Also 'fap' comes from the webcomic Sexy Losers where it was used as a sound effect for masturbation.

Marco Polo

Never take advice from a guy with a cut in his eyebrow

Edi Maršálek

this man: no fap makes you happier stronger better Depressed people: ......... (context: depressed people are often less or not at all sexually active, even though he says otherwise in the video. But of course, it does not apply to all.)

Patrick Woodrow

Think he's a fairly intelligent bloke who's severely mislead in the same way billionaires are. Has no idea what being a valuable person means and way overestimates what it takes to the point of it being detrimental. Probably had a father who beat him and called him a pussy, combined with what religion and conservatism tells him makes masculinity to equal this dribble

Cat M

did you record a bunch in one day? or is Alex still repping the same hole in his shirt

Cat M

what do you do if you're a woman?

Cassandra M

He probably thinks we don’t even have sexual feelings unless we have a man to “unlock” them. And it’s best if we just learn to cook and be a good housewife one day. Our parts are for babies and men. I think we’d be called Jezebels if we masturbated. Dirty Jezebels and loser Jeffries. I’d laugh if I thought I was wrong.


Is it bad that I fapped to this?

William Evan Barnes

God damn, it's so sad that all these guys think they have to be ready to fight someone at a moment's notice, and that somehow having more testosterone equals being a good man. They must just be constantly scared and hiding it as best they can.

Adéle Louise

The real question is why does Hamza have that eyebrow slit?

Jacob Neva

Sweetie, your friends aren't teasing you for not masturbating. They're making fun of you because you're into NoFap.

Izzy Waters-Widmanski

In defence of this man, masturbating does make you blind, so really he's just trying to save young boys eyes so they can keep watching his videos.

Izzy Waters-Widmanski

masturbate as much as humanly possible, to levels that are concerning and make the people around you give you an intervention


16:48 one must imagine sisyphus NoFappy


these poor guys have been trapped in the same room in the same shirts for months no wonder they're so desperate to make a change

War Machine

i'm so confused and I can't relate? Who is this for?


the guys clearly from manchester which i find hilarious


Sounds a lot like chastity play to me, how about they put their money where their mouth is and buy a cage :3


I like Raph :)

sam meeus

I jerk of right when i wake up, shower and hit pr's after that sometimes.

Ellie Shedden

Hmm, thanks for the info. But I think I'd rather just keep fapping then 😄👍

lau m

if fuck*ng with the woman you desire makes you a testosterone fountain then i have the most manly vagina ever

Stefano Poletti

The only thing I want Hamza to teach me is his skincare routine. Guy looks smoother than a porcelain doll.

Hayley Khan

The robe, the dressing gown, the caveman attitude. If he’s not having sex, this is why! Another Tate!


Mate of mine who is a massive car and gym head says "I only ever attract other men with this lifestyle... It's great" xD


hard to watch…so much hate directed towards me ☹️ 😔 how do I stop being me

Cassandra M

He was kickboxing in the gym too. I hope those kids tell their parents what he’s teaching them. So many young men are going to be broke and lonely. No fap will make them a millionaire?! Those courses are going to make them all broke. And they try to make it seem like all women are after their money? No, it’s guys like these!

Hayley Khan

Exactly! They are the ones trying to suck them in to their courses and schemes! I’ve never been more turned off than by these “gym bro” guys who make being alpha their whole personality! Give me a funny guy any day, I couldn’t give a sh*t if he w*nks or not. So long as it’s not all day long!

Corn Detasseler

Great video! Im 28 and I learned so much from you. Thanks, Boy Boy!

War Machine

A swing and a miss

daniel schmitt

Damnit, this whole time I thought I was poor because I was born into extreme poverty where you have no opportunities and the entire system of capitalism is designed to enforce generational class structures and keep class mobility to a minimum, but in actuality all I needed to do was not jerk my meat.

Eric Lajoie

he is the type of guy you see on the news that k1lled his ex and sh0t himself afterwards lmao. Just the way he presents himself in the videos makes me think his testosterone is so low that Dylan Mulvaney asks him advice for being more femine lmao

War Machine

i'm a real person. is my pfp too inappropriate or something? Do you have a problem with double texters?

Cassandra M

Exactly! A sense of humour has made me fall for people! Not a car, or money, or anything “alpha”. It turns me off so much!


His fight analogy doesn't make sense. It would be the most low energy fight ever lol.

Leah Andross

The mecca of porn used to be men.com, how times have changed.


Do guys when they meet for a hangout talk about how much they've masturbated since the last time they saw each other?


any "nofap" kinda thing is just dumb. if you dont wanna jerk it, simply dont. dont make it into some big deal, you dont need to make up a reason. just live your life however you want to you big freak

Cat M

in year 6 my brother and his friends looked up hotmale . com in the airport, so when I went to stay with my aunty and looked it up on her computer and she said "u know I can see what u look up" so I just typed in hotmail misspelt a bunch of times to cover my 12 year old tracks

Jasper Haag

This is one of the less logically coherent videos you’ve critiqued. Which says a lot.

Ghost Ramen

Ever since I exclusively started fapping to Boy Boy content, I've seen an extreme increase in my lack of serotonin

Baba yaga

Nah fuck that guy. We Goon Fap 4 lyfe. ✌

MtF Menace

I've been no FAP for a few months and I can confirm it's use it or lose it. But you'll need to be on hrt first

Nick S

How about we do a dialectical materialist analysis of the porn industry?

Nick S

Sex work and consuming porn are kinda two different things. The porn industry is bankrolled by a canal of rich elites, invariably zionist. By watching porn on some free website, do you really think you are supporting the actors in those videos? Not at all. Prostitution should be made illegal so that the funding channels that sustain the industry are cut off, but until then watching porn is really just a personal preference, because you're not helping or hurting the industry in any way by your choice to consume or not. Personally, I prefer the real thing but that's just me.

huuru ukko

Making sure that the 13yr old boys will be obsessed with sex with rapy mentality and not being decent human beings. Nice one. I assume the dude is also in the deep conspiracy theory rabbit hole, bue to a "everyone will say this and that about you because you know better" type of thinking.

Paul scott massie

I'm 40, and have yet to find myself in a situation where I need to suddenly be able to fight. I've done some emergency cooking before, and even some highly urgent hugging, but had no call to beat anyone to a pulp at a moments notice.


this is the craziest projection i have seen yet from a no-fapper.


does alex not have earlobes or am i just confused?