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As every year, an analysis of what was and what is to come. September is the month of the new school year, so I am taking advantage of this moment to implement some changes.

1- End of “Born of Itheriont - Saga 1”

The second part of chapter 17 is about to end. And with it, the webcomic will remain in Hiatus.

I would like to continue with the next saga, the Miia saga. I've left enough seeds for the story to continue. But, making a comic is like a marathon, a long-distance race.  It's a time-consuming project and you only see the results in the very long term. Right now Patreon, SubscribeStar, etc. don’t provide me with enough income to make the effort worthwhile.

Will the comic be continued in the future?

One of the rewards I've always had on Patreon is: drawing the webcomic (technically, I should never have started it until that goal was reached, but it was something I felt like doing).

So, will I continue the comic one day? Only if the goal is reached... or I feel like doing it again XD

What will I spend my time on after the end of the webcomic?

For the moment I'll open commissions and I'll pay more attention to Discord's suggestions, although I also want to take advantage to improve my drawing skills because...

Drawing: Drawing a comic is not the same as making an illustration. You can take 1 week to make 1 drawing, but you can't spend so much time making 1 page. So I need more fluency and confidence when drawing, to be faster the day I continue the comic (although, I think my drawing has improved from chapter 1 to 17).

Narrative: I need to add more pages and more panels. The chapters need pauses, reactions, introductions... in short, to lengthen the time. What I calculated that it would be 1 page, was better in 2. What I wanted to tell in 8, better in a whole chapter. The 7 chapters that I had planned in my first notes, have ended up being 17!

2- Patreon and Subscribe Star

On the other hand, one of the most important milestones of this year has been the move from Patreon to Subscribe Star. But the truth is... I'm not satisfied with that platform :/

Patreon’s Admin Panel is much more comfortable and offers much more information. Patreon also works with Paypal. At first I thought it wouldn't make much difference, but for me (and I think for you too) it's much more convenient to pay with Paypal than making a bank transfer.

Back to Patreon

If we add this to the fact that my webcomic is ending... What will happen to my Patreon, if it is only there to support the webcomic?

Well, I'll just post there again. Subscribe Star and Patreon will receive the same content. They will be twin sites. For me, the most comfortable way is to use only one, but I'm not going to close any of them, it seems wrong to force people to have to migrate to another site again.

I have to add that it is easier to promote Patreon than SubscribeStar. Patreon is more famous.

3- My Website

What about the Patreon-wordpress-plugin that allowed access to the content of your website?

If the plugin worked well, it would be wonderful. But it always gave me too many problems.

Wasn't your website going to be able to receive Patreon-style donations?

Yes, in fact I have it almost completely ready, it works with Paypal, I just have to do some more tests to verify that everything runs correctly... but it scares me.

Working with Patreon, Pixiv or Subscribe Star, gives you some peace of mind, because if there is any problem with the payments, they are the ones who take the burden of solving it.

However, on my website I would have to take care of it myself... I wouldn't even know where to start!

And that's all the news!




Congrats on hitting 6 years! Man how quickly time flies. I know that I've seen a big improvement from you over these couple of years, and it's one of my favorite parts to compare new and early works to really get a grasp on what exactly improved. Try putting the first and last pages of the comic side by side and I think even you will be surprised!


But really, thanks for everything you have made and looking forward to what the future holds over the next 6 years!


He, he, he, thank you ^-^ I can trust what you say because you are, literally, my first patron XD