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Another year, another review...


The lasts years my goals was to get 1% of my DeviantArt watchers here... but as I said last year, DA is dead, so this numbers doesn't mean anything:

  • Year 1: 3.700 DA watchers and 12 patrons = 0,32%
  • Year 2: 4.600 DA watchers and 30 patrons = 0,65%
  • Year 3: 5.500 DA watchers and 56 patrons = 1,02%
  • Year 4: 6,400 DA watchers and 66 patrons = 1,03%
  • Year 5: 7,200 DA watchers and 90 patrons = 1,25%


Webcomic: I wanted the first saga to be over by this time of year, but my hospitalization and the coronavirus have prevented that. What can I do about it? 😭

Pixiv Fanbox: I think it was right, the Japanese find it much more comfortable than Patreon. It's true that they have less variety of Pledges, but let's be honest, I think 100% of them come in looking for the NSFW, so... 👍

Fanart: The other day I was looking my name on Internet 🕵 and I discovered that on Twitter there are some people who upload my drawings (they don't retweet, but at least they give me credit), but it struck me that they only do it with Fanart...
Maybe I should do a bit of Fanart to gain some visibility?
But the webcomic is something that takes up a lot of time, and the rest of that time is divided between the NSFW, Commissions, etc. 😑

ArtStation: I'm thinking of creating an account on Artstation, but I'm not sure... 🤔 manage another website? pain... 😩 (I already have one, but I don't upload anything, it's just to follow artists)

Instagram: This is a great site for uploading photos and drawings 😍 but I really hate that the main control for uploading things is with the smartphone 🤬.
To me, it's more comfortable to upload, write text, copy/paste links, etc. with the computer.  Instagram is not friendly... but I'm currently keeping an eye on a couple of Chrome extensions... 👀
On the other hand, my drawings can be very NSFW 🍑🍆 and I don't know if it fits with Facebook policies. Well, maybe I should just upload the same things as on Deviantart 🤔




Some thing else to consider, with all the litigation patreon is getting hit with, there is a very real (probable) chance that they not only lose, but could potentially go under as a platform. It may not be a bad idea to try and future proof yourself, and set up a Subscribestar account, and links for your patreons to migrate should the thousands of "Breach of Contract" lawsuits come to fruition.


Uhh? What's wrong with patreon? breach of contract? I haven't heard anything o-o Subscribestar is an option to consider. I currently have Pixiv Fanbox and Gumroad as alternatives. Also, I was thinking of installing a subscription plugin on my website, but it was too complicated and I abandoned it.


Patreon didn't follow their own side of the contractually binding, terms of service, and wrongfully terminated a large number of third party accounts, and were caught trying to amend their terms of service after the fact in an attempt to undercut the litigation brought against them. The old terms of service required all litigation to go through JAMS arbitration (which all the current litigation is still going through) which requires Patreon to float roughly 90% of the legal cost of arbitration costs, as to keep the legal proceedings financially viable for the average person. So Patreon is forced to pay the unrecoverable cost of about two thousand dollars in initiation fees, as well as the full sum of all subsequent fees and attorney costs per case of each individual arbitration. Patreon is being sued by creators, and supporters alike for breach of contract, and it doesn't look like Patreon has a leg to stand on. Because of all this, Patreon is now under investigation for unlawful business practices, felonious misrepresentation of contracts, violation of their own dispute resolution agreements, and further investigations by the Better Business Bureau. So, Patreon his hemorrhaging money right now, dropping in stock value, and at risk of getting bankrupted should the (probably) lose these cases. It is very much looking like this site's days are numbered.