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Hi everyone. I bring some news.

First: I add to the "$3 Archer Pledge" a new reward (and this apply for Soldiers, Shocktroopers and Captain, of course): an "early access" to the webcomic pages.

My intention is release the webcomic free, but not page by page, I will give a full chapter at once. But, the patrons could see progress and read the pages when they are finished.

Currently, I finished 4 pages, and I will upload it here soon.

Second: The original name of the webcomic was, "Sons of Itheriont" but I changed for "Born of Itheriont". That is because I have been talking with some people about the name, and "Sons" is technically incorrect.

The origin of the name comes from my mother language (spanish). In Spanish, the plural of a lot of words may represent both genders. "Sons" in spanish represent sons, or sons and daughters. But this particularity of my language not exist in the english.

So I had to change the name.



I look forward to reading it! Combining your art, your universe and a storyline will make for a great piece