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The second year of my Patreon, and, like the first birthday, it is time to settle accounts.


Like last year, my dream goal is to get 1% of my watchers here. Last year I had 3,700 watchers and 12 patrons. Today I have 4,600, that means I should have 46, but I have 30 !!

Although it does not reach the ideal target, I am satisfied because I have grown more than twice as much.


Last year I talked about several problems, so I'll take them back:

Poor quality: Although I need to improve, I think that during this year I have perfected my style, especially the coloring. I think it's no secret that I hate coloring (but I feel bad if I do not), so over the course of this year I have developed a way of coloring with which I feel moderately comfortable.

Fanarts: I told last year that I prefer to create original characters in front of drawing fanart, but the fanart helps you to grow. As a solution, I set out to do at least one fanart a month, using the fanart poll. I think it was a good choice.

NSFW: The nsfw does magic, it's what everyone wants to see. Every time, I feel more comfortable doing nsfw, but I do not want to be known for being a porn artist, but I do not care much if I also do porn.

One of the goals on my patreon is to remove the nsfw paywall. Sincerely, I'm afraid to remove it, but I'm curious to see if that would increase or decrease the number of patrons.


Bots Accounts: I have 30 patrons now,  and I think 1 or 2 are bots (the bots never pay), and I've already blocked of about 10 ... I think 10 fake patrons are many, considering here we are only 30. But these bots not only persecute me in Patreon, also on Tumblr and other websites.

I mean, every time I get a notification of a new Patron, it's a little joy ... joy that fades when I see that the user does not agree with my type of followers (men between 20 and 30 years), some of these bots are a old retired or a beautiful fashion instagramer. WTF?!. Another weird detail is that they only follow me, and no one else. The worst thing is that these accounts seems that are created based on real people, getting the names and photos from twitter, but never reply to my private messages like "hello, are you a bot?". And for the love of God, I do not understand the purpose of these bots in Patreon.


Webcomic: I'd like to start doing a webcomic about my OCs, but I know perfectly that it is a long-term project and I would not want to abandone it. It is a project that needs consistency and periodicity, but I am currently not sure I can do that.

I do not decide between DIN A4 format (suitable for later to create a printed version) or the format "korean webcomic" (a long strip suitable for mobile). All authors like to see your print work, you feel that you have really created something. The problem is that it is expensive and I am not sure that have sue.

Another problem would be time, make a comic would steal time to make illustrations, so I could not offer the 6 images I try today. I would have to modify it to:

  • Comic Page
  • Captain Commission
  • Fanart poll
  • NSFW illustration

Website: I would like to create a web of my own. A kind of center of operations where you can find my works, the webcomic, information of the characters and the world, etc. Basically, try not to depend on Deviantart, tumblr, etc. Because, in case they disappear (as happened to CGHub, for example) I'm screwed.


In general, all the rewards look good to me, though I'd like to add something to the Shoocktrooper. One of the things I've been thinking about is doing streaming, maybe I could give a "free" sketch to the shoocktroopers during the broadcast, or something.


Well, that's all. What do you think, what do you recommend?

And thanks for the support!!




i accidentally deleted my massive wall of text. still i hope that atleast one or two of my suggestions were worth the read.


- Well, I have to say that most authors have between 0.5% and 1% of their deviantart followers in Patreon. I mean, Sakimichan, Ronindude, Doxy or Slugbox hit 1%. In my case, it is 0.66% (as is Ilia Kuvshinov). - Perhaps the great part of the problem is the lack of publicity. If I was more popular, it would have more Patrons (simple arithmetic). I guess I do not spam enough on the other webpages. - I find interesting the proposal of "occasional comic", maybe not start one, but from time to time, make "X pages" telling something about the characters. - Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it.


For recommendations, I suggest doing fan art of famous or well known comics/anime/artists (like Twokinds/monster musume/Rakkuguy), to creating bridges for people to flock in and out of. Allowing you and others to become more popular (by sharing fans/interested people and views). Maybe branch out, off of art/comics and do an animation, or other stuff to attract more people. And I am so sorry that I cannot be a patron , but I would need a proper job and money first. Best of wishes to you and your future. ☺


This is an interesting option too, make fanarts of others authors. Usually I draw fanarts of animes and popular video games (like overwatch).