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Before you even get a chance to retaliate from the knee strike, she lifts you in the air and grabs between your legs.

"Do you know what we succubus do to cute men like you?"

You dont even get a chance to reply as her lips close in on your special place and the pleasure paralyses your body and you feel your energy being drained away and after a few seconds...

"Oh that was a bit premature dont you think? That was just one little kiss" She smiles 

She drops you to the floor sits on you and displays her feet in front of your eyes, wiggling her toes. She uses one foot to choke you and tells you to kiss the other, even if you wanted to fight back, something is happening to your body making you obey every single command.

"I'm disapointed that you chose her over me...You would have made a very good pet"

You look around and cant see Edea anywhere

"Lets play a game cutie. If you can survive 1 minute, I'll let you go"

She pins you to the mat and gets on top of you. "Ready?"

"Yes"  You were not planning to reply but again, your words leave your body 

You wonder what she meant by survive but realize as soon as she starts riding. Not only does the pleasure feel uncomparable to anything you felt before, there is something else, as something is leaving your body. You climax again and again, your survival instincts kick in and you try to squirm away, but she grabs you and shoves your head in her chest. You're fate is sealed. You know that you're about to die, realizing you'll never get one praise, one kind word from Edea

And then suddenly. "Anyone home?" The succubus asks "I was just joking, you're not my toy to break..." You snap out of it realizing that it's her toes that are now playing with your manhood as your face is now her seat. "you survived...12  seconds, not bad for a first time. One more second and your soul would have been fully drained...I'm a bit disapointed though, I would have liked to play with you a bit more."

"I got you covered" You hear your mistress' voice from afar as Edea's footsteps echo across the room.




Those backbreakers!