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  • This world is set in a futuristic fantasy. Though when it comes to the mythical creatures their numbers are declining due to the fight between them and normal mammals.
  • Nick is a kitsune who preys upon any mammal in the city. His powers are shapeshifting and charm to lure them in. The shapeshifting can also help with escaping. He also has the ability to stretch his tails, snare, and throw heavy objects. He has to hunt in order to stay sane and keep his beast side controlled. He normally doesn’t like hunting the innocent, but he’s had many times where he was desperate or lost control and many lives were taken.
  • In this world most foxes are tested through their DNA on if one becomes kitsunes later on in the future. Though it is more rare nowadays it was still found in Nick’s DNA sadly. And his family and family friends were very fearful of him from the monster he'll turn into as he gets older. So the only family he knew growing up was his mother. No one else. And he was homeschooled too, so no friends, cause there's a possible chance word could've gotten out that he has kitsune DNA and would be shunned by schools in that area. At 17 he fled his home and moved far away from his birthplace to start anew where no one knew anything about his case.
  • Nick for some years lived in the wild away from society. Yet he was also not welcomed around other mythical beings. So he was alone for most of his life, until he finally decided to live in Zootopia.
  • He eats life sources to survive. He breaks down their entire body into just a life orb. Normally he's more intent on keeping his victims calm and making them feel safe before..y'know. But he has another side to him that's a monster he can't control.
  • Judy is part of the hunting force in this world to protect mammals from monsters/mythical creatures. Her weapon is a chakram/gun mix. She’s very persistent in keeping everyone safe so she tries her best to protect everyone. Especially her biggest threat yet, Nick. Even if so far she can’t beat him she can at least defend others in the city. Judy normally isn’t the type to hate mythical creatures. She just wants to detain and move the more dangerous ones to keep them from harming anyone. Or at least try to reason with them if they give her that option.
  • Violet, Judy's older sister, is new to the hunting force and wants to do anything to impress her sister and their family. (More info added later)
  • Jack Savage, a family friend of the Hopps family, is the leader of the hunting force group Judy and Violet are in. (more info added later)


Raynard Christian

Hmm based on the comics I've seen, does judy know nick is a kitsune? Is a strictly a hunting au with romance subtext or just hunting au?

John Friedrich

There's good story potential here. "Nimona" was about two reluctant friends whose friendship may be in jeopardy because they may unwittingly be sworn enemies.