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I'm really sorry for the late notice due to the power outage yesterday.

I'm currently working hard on production. The conversation and NSFW transformation will be completed and distributed within a few days. I'm sorry for being a little late because I was greedy about preparing the largest amount ever. i will do our best to provide satisfactory content.



Gregory Swift

It’s okay no worries! Take the time you need my friend


Nice. No worries rk. Take your time getting all the details you want. Excited to see these illustrations in comic format

Luloze Comrade

Praised be lord rk and his magnificent works. If I had the income to properly support yuo I'd give yuo 1000usd a month if I could!!! All in order to get the most exquisite and supreme tatsu lewds on the PLANET!!! UWOOOOOOOOOOOGH SEEEEEEGGGGGSSSS
