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I need you. I know you need me too...


Experience your favorite ASMR triggers including face licking, body massage, oil rubbing, personal attention, bathhouse ambience and much more!

Thank you for watching and supporting me! Your contribution helps me create better content and live my dream!


(No title)


Rob Van Dam

Soul: sold. Easiest sale of your life


I'll pay the price anything you say.

Daniel Dickerson

I don’t think it’d take much for me to sell my whole soul to Succubus Bella, lol.

W Daninsky

Creativity, ambience, and grace of movement are on point as always. You excel at all of these things and they add so much potency to your videos. I'll also mention, because I haven't before, that all of the lush and abundant body hair that you tease us with in these videos is so primally feminine and sensual! I am thrilled beyond measure that you make that choice with your body and that you choose to share it with us.


I’d give up my entire nation for you Bella, family and loved ones included!!!


Since my membership is almost up, I’ll leave you with some criticism. Excluding the wardrobe, this video and others seem pretty low effort. There’s no script involved and you’re just dancing around the whole time. The harp ambient music is starting to haunt me, and the green screen situation hasn’t been fixed. I would take lessons from a creator like Maimy Nyan on how to improve your content. You make a pretty chunk of change through Patreon, so make your content reflect that.


Why can’t I view the video on Vimeo ?


Since your membership is up, I'm glad you are leaving. Go find someone else to harass, you LOSER. Her content is the BEST on Patreon. She explains the different types of videos and groups them quite well. She also only has 1 tier of pricing unlike others who have a all kinds of tiers and you only get the best stuff if you pay tons of money. I have 0 complaints and her streams are off the charts the BEST. If you don't like the music turn the volume down, DUH or is that to hard for your tiny brain to figure out. Her screens are fine no issues when I watch them. But back to your RUDE comment, if you can't say something nice KEEP Your STUPID mouth shut!!!! As I'm sure others will agree with my take more than yours, take your cheap ass somewhere else and go Harass someone else, you and your tiny dick energy. GTFOH!

Daniel Dickerson

I think this is my personal favorite of yours so far, though it’s hard to choose! Your combination of calm ambience and super sensual energy is really unique and refreshing. Keep it up Bella, you’re absolutely killing it!🥰

Dan Domino

Another great video! Love the hairy bush😍


Try clearing your browser cache ... just look it up on how to do it, do it for all time. Try a different browser Patreon is fine, it has to be your system.


Somehow you’re calling me rude, yet you’re insulting me to the enth degree. Shut up you keyboard warrior. Enjoy paying for a bunch of women online that’ll never notice you, while you paycheque withers away


Since your membership is up, I'm glad you are leaving. Go find someone else to harass, you LOSER. Her content is the BEST on Patreon. She explains the different types of videos and groups them quite well. She also only has 1 tier of pricing unlike others who have a all kinds of tiers and you only get the best stuff if you pay tons of money. I have 0 complaints and her streams are off the charts the BEST. If you don't like the music turn the volume down, DUH or is that to hard for your tiny brain to figure out. Her screens are fine no issues when I watch them. But back to your RUDE comment, if you can't say something nice KEEP Your STUPID mouth shut!!!! As I'm sure others will agree with my take more than yours, take your cheap ass somewhere else and go Harass someone else, you and your tiny dick energy. GTFOH! That's why I got a like from her on my comment to you. Yeah it's so rude. Bella agrees with me. Thank God you are not going to subscribe again.

Todd Rivers

Jose's criticism might have come off as a bit harsh or maybe rude depending on the tone you apply to it, but to me it seems like the intent is constructive and it addresses things very specifically. On the other hand your reply comes off as completley unhinged, unreasonably hostile and angry, and not constructive in any way. If anything it reinforces why the idea of a discord chat would be unappealing to me.


I can't view the video on vimeo either. I also can't see on the patriot cause it takes me to vimeo. And it does with the other videos that are tied to vimeo.


You are such a mesmerizing succubus! 😍🥰


Very well written. Yes, please please Baby Bella, don't get rid of your body hair, don't try to attenuate it, it's a big part of your sensuality.

Joseph Anduril

I joined your patreon because of your hypnotic submission video. I could not refuse.....


This is one of the best videos. The background sounds are perfect and really draw you into the scenario. This particular video made me think you should do a video dressed as a cat with ears, a tail, and not much more... 😉