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Aphrodite just wants you to relax; and allow you to admire her. 


Experience your favorite ASMR triggers including suggestive dancing, hair-play, personal attention, bathhouse ambience and much more!

Thank you for watching and supporting me! Your contribution helps me create better content and live my dream!




Well I just failed NNN

Daniel Dickerson

This was so absolutely graceful and sensual, oh my word 😍. You’re a master at this Bella, your content is so unique and artistic!


your content is so perky and cute. thank you❤

Doug Sparks

Breathtaking! ❤️🔥😍


Thank you so much :) I enjoy making videos like this quite a bit so I'm happy you enjoy it!


So beautiful 😍 I was hoping to see Aphrodite here and with that necklace?? Oh man was that a dream come true

Todd Rivers

Absolutely mesmerizing video! So good.


The answer is yes....what was the question, I was distracted. I've been trying to decide who you reminded me of. it came to me while watching this that you're like the modern version of Gypsy Rose Lee. I'm old, but I'm not THAT old.