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I'm close to completing this one so imma do that and post then back to OTB /HD < w <

Also Hollow and I have been getting info for the print run of OTB CH2 so it may be happening soon~ wanted to time it with continuing CH3 so more info will be coming soon!

Also a health update which maybe oversharing but it's why i've had a major slow down compared to how I updated before, I have ADHD which has been pretty much stable for the most part but in last part of 2022 and start of 2023 I litterally felt like my brain was being scrambled, mood swings, lack of focus, lashing out, (IRL) I was and still am on meds for it but thanks to my GP and the Endocrine specialist I was sent to, it was my goddamn thyroid making me feel crazy!

Apparently your thyroid function can majorly affect ADHD which was happeing to me and reached a boiling point last year where I was NOT OK lol ugh it's hyperactive and oversized so I started meds for my hyperthyroidism about 2.5 months ago and am starting to feel a bit more normal again after many months

So! I'm hoping I can get back to how I was before with meds or last resort I get this thing ripped outta my neck so I can function normally 8)

TL;DR Thyroid make Toki feelsbadman.jpg getting it fixed so more pron =3



Andrea Nattan

Is OTB part 1 in print as well? Where can one purchase it from?


yep yep the CH1 print happened in 2019 but now there's a few soft covers that'll prolly be saved for the crowdfunder now, i'll give more info on it later this month o3o b


I had to repost autocorrect got me but I was saying I don’t have thyroid issues but I have type one diabetes and I have some freinds that have had thier thyroid removed and I know it’s tuff be strong we all support you

Kawaii Neko

Hey toki wanted to make sure you are okay! 🫶🏾