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I know it's been pretty quiet here for a while and I wanted to give you guys an update. A little over a month ago I got a job, and I have been working out my new schedule. I have some awesome projects in the works, but it seems like whenever I have time to record, the world works against me. For example, the two big ones I'm working on, I have to do some of the stuff outside because of fumes and whatnot. Well, it's been so rainy here I can't get it done. Anyway - I'm still here and I have things in the works. I could do an unboxing in the meantime, but I feel like I've been gone long enough that my next vid needs to be a good DIY. I hope you can all understand. I'll have a new video up as soon as I can!



Whenever you drop a new video we’ll watch it! No mater what. We’re excited for you and your projects!


We totally understand. We’ll all be here when you’re ready. Congrats on the new job!