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I said goodbye to the name Muggle Magic over two years ago, but I let the old username and URL linger for far too long.... It's time to change it.  Not only for consistency, but also because I earn money through Patreon and I don't want Warner Bros coming after me for having "Muggle" in my URL... 😅

I hope this isn't going to be too much of a burden for anyone.  I will be changing the URL on Monday morning (11/21/2022). If you have my current page bookmarked, you'll need to update that bookmark to the new url: https://www.patreon.com/wizardryworkshop.

And now I have to go through all my old downloads and youtube video descriptions and update the link there, too. Wish me luck. 😩




I am so glad you are here to help us create cool keepsakes for our Potterheads community


I don't know why but I've got a 404 site and not a new one 🤷‍♀️