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Again it's the smallest of details that interrupt the writing flow. When setting the time for the swap I had to think of what time it was when he got it to get the time difference. Was he at the mall at 3? Or 4? I set it at 7:20pm first and had him come home three hours before that, but then realized that was too much time to kill just sitting down. Then I changed it to 6:20 but thought it looked to close to 4:20, so I changed it back to 7:20 since I hadn't actually said what the initial time was. So much wasted effort...

But first things first. As I wrote this was based on a short caption I read on tumblr some while ago and didn't think too much about at the time, but the core idea stuck. What would the mechanics of dick swapping look like? How would it impact society? If I remember correctly the original was just the actual swapping and the subsequent discovery. If anyone finds it I'd be happy to know.

Given the photo I wanted both parties to be black, but I didn't want to actually spell it out. On one hand I want people to have the freedom to envision themselves in my stories, while on the other hand there are so many details that change for every other change you make. At least when you write such stereotypes as me. That's why I danced around things like describing both parties properly, or having their names appear in the app.

I did consider using this photo instead, having him be the seller. In my mind having to ejaculate many times a day like that would drive metabolism, keep body fat down, and push lots of hormones around. Perhaps also working out could act as a distraction for him. In any event I pictured the seller as in very good shape, and somewhat well off for some reason I can't explain.

I feel like I restrain myself in the tip section at the end, not going into the minutia about how a day would be. I was kind of vague about how long between jack offs he could go without it being debilitating, but I think something like once every four hours to remain productive is generous. So he would wake up at e.g. 7 and have a morning wank. Then perhaps another one at 10 at work, 3 hours. Another one after lunch at 1 pm, 3 hours. Then one at 5 pm either at work or immediately after at home or the gym, 4 hours. Then another two before he goes to bed, and a few during his sleep.


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