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After a lot of talk about scally stories BlueScally finally started a series called Roleplaying a Chav. Once he posted his first chapter I began thinking about how I wanted the story to unfold. He has assured me that me posting anything here will not affect his writing.

So I would have Morgan show up at the police officer's place. It'll start out as a normal date. Jack invites him in, still in uniform, offers him a drink, but declines one himself as he is on call if they need more officers. They talk about themselves and get into the subject of chavs. Jack mentions that he often deals with them at work, the criminal ones that is. Even the ones that stay within the bounds of the law are cockier and more visible than your typical lad of the same age. Jack tells him he like to roleplay with people acting like chavs to get some of his frustrations out. "Where else would you find a Chav that does what you tell them to?" he asks.

Then they look at the gear he has. The entire wardrobe in the guest room is filled with chav clothes. "Some I bought, but most are from lost and found. They only keep clothes a month.  Then everything goes to second hand, but we can take what we want before that," he explains. They pick out some items that Morgan feels would suit him as a chav, come of which he wouldn't have dreamt of buying for his normal self. From a box Jack pick out a small but plug and a bottle of lube. "Just to make you remember your place," he says with a wry smile. "Besides, you'll walk with more of a swagger." Morgan is finding all of this insanely hot and sports a hardon.

Jack commands him to strip naked, and while he certainly notice the hardon he doesn't comment on it. Morgan then lean over the bed and Jack inserts the plug. "How does it feel to walk with?" Jack asks. It's not big, but Morgan can feel it moving slightly, giving him a massage that is impossible to ignore. "You should go commando, so I can see what a chav slut you are," Jack says, not asking. "Get dressed!"

Morgan does as he is told, and while he is already hard, the experience is just getting better. He looks at himself in the mirror, next to Jack. It's like he is getting confidence just but putting on the clothes. Perhaps it's just that he looks like people with confidence. Jack is getting more bossy. Telling him to hurry up. Telling him to walk into the living room. There Jack pulls out a chair from the dining table and orders Morgan to sit down. When Morgan is a bit too slow Jack pushes him down on the chair, making him yelp when the plug is pushed in a bit, and telling him "You slow muppets are all alike". He quickly grabs his handcuffs from his belt and secures Morgan to the chair by locking his hands behind his back through the bars of the back of the chair.

Morgan is feeling scaroused, as Jack is calling him one pejorative after another. "You know what?" he says. "There is just one thing that is wrong," and leaves the room. He's back within seconds with a trimmer in his hand. Morgan is about to protest, but someone can't. It's like he want it, want to submit to Jack, want to let Jack change him. It's done in almost an instant. Jack let the machine run across his scalp and in a few swift motions Morgan has a buzz cut. He can feel that there is hair left, but no idea of how much. Jack takes a step back to look, change to a different guard on the trimmer, and then runs it more carefully around the sides and neck of Morgan.

Jack brushes the hair off Morgan's shoulders and takes a step back. He looks at Morgan with approval. "Let's step it up," he says, steps back and unshackles one of Morgan's hands. He help him up and shackles together again behind Morgan's back. "Come on, let's go," he says and pushes Morgan in the back. He starts walking, unsure where to go. "Out," Jack commands. Suddenly Morgan is less sure. A chav in handcuffs with a very visible erection. Not exactly how he would like to be seen in public. Jack pushes again, harder this time.

Once outside Jack steers Morgan to a police car parked on the street, and guides him into the back seat. Morgan is having thoughts of resisting, but figures that would be as pointless as for any real criminal. As the door closes and he sits in silence in the police car he is suddenly fearful about where this is going to end. Once Jack is back from locking his place they start driving. Morgan starts questioning Jack on where they are going, what the plan is. Jack gives him a smile in the mirror and answers "The plan is to give you a better  chav experience than money can buy." With that he grabs the police radio.

"11275 to ops"
"ops come over"
"arriving with 412 over"
"over and out"

Morgan asks Jack what that was all about and Jack tells him, still roleplaying somewhat "Scum like you just need somewhere to cool off". When they arrive at the police station there is another officer waiting who opens the backseat door and lifts Morgan out of the car. "What's with the boner," he asks seemingly to no one. "You know, pills and alcohol," Jack answers, having stepped out of the car. "I can smell that," the other police says. The new police lead Morgan away into the station for processing, while Jack walks in a different direction once inside the station. "Where's he going?" Morgan asks. "Filing his report. You should think about yourself," the police answer.

Then we go through the processing with whatever that entails. The major point for Morgan is having his arrest photo taken, dressed as a chav in a haircut he doesn't even know what it looks like. When asking why he has been arrested the police first makes a "Shouldn't you know that best" answer. Morgan keeps pressing the question and gets a more formal "We can hold you for 24 hours before we need to charge you" answer.

Morgan is then put in some general detention. There are not a lot of other people there, some old drunk, a guy in a suit, and another chav-looking guy of similar age to Morgan. He and Morgan start talking and the questions are all such that Morgan doesn't have to lie that much to have answers that kind of match the roleplay. All the time Morgan is slightly uncomfortable about the butt plug, but removing it here would be out of the question.

A female police officer shows up. "Hey, you two? You think you can stay home and behave?" and nods in Morgan's and the chav's direction. "What you offering, love?" the chav asks back. "Judge is backed up. Can you stay at home until Monday with some jewelry?" Morgan is lost. "We'll do everything for you, love," the chav answers. She opens up and waves for them to follow her to a station a corridor away. Before she's even picked it up the chav has pulled up his trouser for her to attach the ankle monitor. She quickly fastens it around the leg. "Come on, hurry up," she tells Morgan, who does the same.

Once both of them have ankle monitors in place she leads them out to the car entrance again, to a waiting police car. Morgan and the chav both climb into the back seat of the car and yet another police officer in the driver's seat tells them to fasten their belts before they take off. They drive for about ten minutes out to one of the council estate projects where he stops the car and opens the backseat door for the chav, who climbs out. "You too," the police tells Morgan.

"What? Why?" Morgan asks.
"This is your place, isn't it? You live together?" the police asks, a bit unsure.
"No, I live over at Hillside"
The police hesitate for a bit, unsure how to proceed.
"Look, the fence is in effect 15 minutes from now. I'll drive you back to the station so you can spend the night there instead."
"I don't mind," the chav says.
"What?" the police asks.
"He can crash my place for a day."
"Are you ok with that?" the police asks Morgan. With the options being a night back in the arrest or staying with this guy for a day the choice is easy.
"Yeah, I can do that."
"Ok, you have 13 minutes to get to the flat. Someone will pick you up Monday at 8."

Morgan and the chav (let's call him Shane) hurry up into his one room flat. Inside Morgan tries to discreetly remove the butt plug while on the toilet, but it is soon discovered by Shane. Morgan is forced to admit to a partial truth. He is gay and the police grabbed him while he was in the middle of something with another gay. Shane says he doesn't give a fuck. He then lights up a blunt and offers Morgan. "The closest to food I got in this place" Shane then goes to bed and Morgan takes the couch.

After some minutes of silence Shane asks if he can fuck Morgan. Morgan is surprised. "Well, no one else I can shag is going to show up here, is there? It's the least you can do to repay me," Shane argues. It makes sense to Morgan while still high, and agrees to it. Shane fucks Morgan and they then fall asleep in Shane's bed.

Then there is a full Sunday to fill while inside the apartment. In the original tags for the entire series BlueScally had "tattoo", so I can imagine that they have a morning blunt and Shane maybe calls for someone to bring them food. This is somehow made into a scenario where the one delivering food is practicing to be a tattoo artist, so he'll cover the cost if he can make a tattoo on Morgan.

Finally Morgan is picked up on Monday, taken to the police station, and no charges are filed. Possibly you can have him fail a drug test then as well for some spot in the records. Perhaps Jack picks him up and drives him home.

After I wrote this outline BlueScally has posted a part two that overall follows what I've written here, but I suspect it will diverge as he keeps going. He did message me that he would take a break from writing more, so we'll see if this is as far as he gets.


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