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I've known Malik since we shared dorm in high school. Weird how the two immigrant boys "randomly" end up sharing a room. Not that we really cared. It was nice to have something in common, though our backgrounds were vastly different. It was on the 58th day living together, and yes I have a diary, that he revealed he could do magic. He hadn't been properly taught, since he was only two when they fled, but to someone who had never before seen real magic or even considered it possible every little was impressive. There was one thing he was good at, although he had few opportunities to use it. He could perform body swaps.

It works completely differently than any way I would have imagined, but also in the most literal sense of the description. The bodies are swapped. If you were standing in one end of the room and he in the other, once he finished the spell your bodies would have swapped places with each other. Your consciousness on the other hand wouldn't, so suddenly your body is across the room while you are still standing in the same place, but in Malik's body.

Over the following months we got to know each other's bodies well, sometimes spending several days in each other's bodies. Malik was a bit of a jock, though never really good at sports, always wanted to run or lift weights or whatever. We made an arrangement that I would take his body on his rest days so he could do workout with my body. I worked extra at Jarod's Burgers, and luckily everyone there were racist enough to not see the difference between me and Malik. Since it was really me all the time they wouldn't be able to know based on differences in knowledge or speech. Or they just didn't care that two students used the same slot under the same name. They were still racist though. Anyway, I paid Malik a PT fee out of my salary for keeping my body in increasingly good shape. I can't imagine a trainer being more personal than that. All I had to do was pay him money and endure the sore muscles.

Then came the lockdown and remote learning. Malik moved back to wherever his parents were and I stayed in the dorm. I didn't have internet good enough for zoom at home, and staying one per dorm room was allowed under the rules. We were still swapping bodies for him to train in the improvised gym he had set up in the garage. After about a month he asked when he could get his money? I first didn't understand what he meant, but then realized he still expected his PT fee. I told him that everything was closed down and I wasn't getting any Jarod's Burger money. He got really pissed at me, our first real fight. He was accusing me of stealing or at least fraud, and said he wouldn't do any more swaps until he was paid.

Fine, I shouted back and disconnected the call, only to realize I was sitting in his body in the dorm room. I tried to call him back, but he rejected it. He sent a text message back saying "I'll do nothing but chest now. Get back when you have the money". It wasn't a huge amount but without an income I was already penny-pinching to get by. First I thought he was perhaps only joking, but at least being rash and change his mind later, but a week later I came to the conclusion that he was stubborn enough to keep my body until I paid.

Desperate I put up my textbooks for sale. Not surprising there wasn't much of a bidding frenzy, but I managed to sell a few tomes. I would take the camera a take a photo of all the pages I thought I would still need, which took a few hours per book. It took a few weeks to sort out before I could tell Malik I got the money. "You have payment for the time since we last spoke?" the asshole asked me. I was very close to telling him to fuck off and keep the damn body, but I could imagine what mum would say, so I kept my mouth shut. Luckily he contined with a "Just kidding."

I sent him the money through an app and he asked me if I was ready to swap. "Sure," I said. I hadn't seen myself in a month at this point, but didn't expect much, if anything to be different. Holy shit was I surprised after the now familiar swapped was done. My chest muscles were enormous. "What the fuck did you do to my body?" I asked him. "Just some focused exercise (and a pinch of magic). Hope you have a bra! lol" he responded. I know nothing of bra sizes, but I could clearly see that quite a few would be too small. I was speechless. "Don't worry. They'll probably be down to normal once this fucking lockdown is over."

He was probably right. If I didn't exercise them they would slowly melt away. I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't just that they were big, it looked out of proportion compared to the rest of the body too. I started to touch them and jiggle them a bit, and I could feel a hard-on approaching. Perhaps I should keep them for a bit...


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