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Inspired by a caption from MakingRealAlphas.

I don't do it very often, not in the same place at least. That would raise suspicions. On the other hand I move around a lot, so I guess it depends on your definition of "often". With the job market being what it is and hospitality being what it is, there is always a job for an above-average bartender. It's also the perfect job to meet the kind of guys I'm after.

They are if not down on their luck at least not content. They arrive alone, sometimes preparing for some later meet-up as a third or fifth wheel. Sometimes they just sit at the bar for a few hours, perhaps try to hit someone up, and then go home alone. This is where The Special comes in. You can't give it away for free, then it loses value to them. You have to talk it up and have them order The Special.

I always serve it up in a Martini glass. Somehow it makes some guys nervous. Decades of James Bond looking cool with a Dry Martini ruined by a few years of Sex in the City. If I see them hesitate I ham up my performance further, acting cartoonishly gay. In the end they always taste it. They paid for it after all. I always look at their faces as the first sip hits them. You can see the eyes widening, often a bit of a smile, like this was nothing like what they expected, and they like it more than anything they've ever tasted. They took the bait and now they are hooked.

The first one vanishes quickly, and the order for their second Special is in before they set down the glass. They look disoriented and wobbly, like someone standing up too quickly. What they feel though is bliss and a rush at the same time. By the time I give them their second Special the physical changes have already started. Slowly he starts to fill out. I don't want an accident, so I always check what they are wearing first.

Although the legs are probably the first to start growing it's really the chest area that you first notice any changes. The pecs are hit early and hard, and then it sort of fans out through the traps and delts down the back and out the arms. He doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary as he's sitting in his own woozy world just buying cocktail after cocktail. It's so slow that no one else really pays attention either. By the time I close the bar he is athletic for sure, muscled even, but not freakishly massive. The clothes are straining though and the shirt is usually too short showing a bit of midriff. I tell him I need to close, but I would love for him to follow me home. He loves that too.

I drive him to my place, a 20-minute drive. Now that he is off The Special all that winding up is ready to release. The second phase kicks in and he grows unsettlingly rapid. He usually starts to struggle with his pants. Not only has the thighs reached the limit of what the fabric can endure, but his fuckstick is causing him massive problems, not to talk about his tender egg-sized testies. I love him bumbling around in the shotgun seat, covered in unfamiliar muscles, trying to remove his ludicrously tight pants. By the time I park the car he is fully naked and happy about it.

I ask him if he would like me to give him a rub. Perhaps relieve him of any pent-up stress or other needs. He's spaced as fuck and out of his mind horny, but he is still himself in there, taking decisions. Despite that I've never had anyone not take me up on the offer.

He lies down on the bath towel on the living room divan, not quite spread eagle, but all limbs far apart. He's not only hot, but muscles keep colliding as he moves, and everything is sore. His dick is doing its part to stay as far away from the body as well, flying at full mast. I give a few shoulder rubs, just to get him used to me touching him.

Then I move down to the biggest muscle group of the body, the thighs. I don't hold back and aggressively do deep tissue massage, really boosting the circulation. I can hear him gasp and moan in a mix of pleasure and pain. He's never been this sore before in his life he realizes, and once I start he knows this is what he wants, what he needs. I spend a lot of time on the legs, working out any knots and getting clean muscle fiber separation. I then move to the chest area and do the same there. I work my way from the chest through the shoulders and down the arms. He's in a fog of blissful pleasure and by now he's dripping precum on the towel.

That's when I suck his nipple. I always look down the body to see his dick shudder as he understands there are more levels to his pleasure, and just how sensitive his nipples have become. I then play it by ear. Lick him in the armpits, kiss him if he allows it, tweak his nipples, play with my tongue in his belly button. Sooner or later I'm there, down by his glistening cock. I pause for a moment to let him anticipate it and then I give him the best blowjob he's ever had in his life. I'm not saying that to brag, though that too, but because he's never had a dick like this before.

It will take a while, he's built durable, but once he can't keep it in anymore I drink it all up. I'm not letting any of his cum go to waste. This is part of his payment to me, but I'm not swallowing all of it. I'm keeping enough so that when I move up to his head and give him a passionate kiss while he is basking in post-orgasm glow I can coat the inside of his mouth with his own semen.

What we do next is something we figure out together. It usually takes three or four orgasms to completely drain his balls, so we are not done until early morning. I order him an Uber and let him pick a few items from the pile of oversize sports clothes to cover up his body with more than a sheen of sweat.

I don't know for sure what happens after I stuff him in the car, but I imagine he manage to get himself all the way back to his bed. Some perhaps just decide to collapse in a garden chair outside the house. Wherever they happen to wake up it's undoubtedly quite the surprise for them. There aren't a whole lot they are certain of from the night before. The memories are very hazy, almost conceptual rather than literal. They know they can't wait to exhaust their muscles and have someone be all over them again. They know they were intimate with a guy and liked it. They know their life is in for some pretty big changes. And they know they need to go shopping.


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