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The idea for this little story was from a different and more NSFW image of someone with what looked like inexpensive, possibly promotional, harness and dick strap contraption. I imagined nightclub where the patrons were influenced somehow, be it the smoke or the strobes or something, to start behaving out of their normal comfort zone. Perhaps stripping and putting on things handed out to them. Perhaps starting to be physical with the other people on the dance floor.

The original photo had a detail that I considered putting in the story. The guy had a pretty sizable cocks, and it was in a significantly darker color than the rest of his skin. What if in his temporary trance on the dance floor he and another guy had swapped dicks with each other. Now standing in the restroom it didn't make sense. That's impossible, laughable even, but he only had to look down at his new member to see that it had clearly had happened.


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