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So this story rewrite is a bit interesting because the history happens to be reasonably well documented. I must have read the original story pretty close to when it was published at the end of July 2018. I really liked the story but felt that the part of the story where Matt was discovering Liam's life was too compressed. So much that I noted down the outline of the changes I wanted to see.

slower transformation
no mental changes
confrontation in locker room
Matt goes to project housing
Place is a mess. Finds barbell etc.
Someone picks up his laptop (called in by Liam)
He begins to tidy up and finds Liams kit
Puts on and comes off again.
Liam's memories start replacing his.

I left it there until the end of 2018 when I stumbled upon my notes again and started to write like an expanded version of my notes, rather than an actual rewrite.

I don't like unexplained spontaneous magic. Sure, I use it a lot, but that doesn't mean I like it. I like it even less when a transformation just makes someone into someone else completely. Worse still is a complete swap between two persons. If you swap both body and mind, did you really change anything at all? However, this story has a lot going for it, with a fantastic back story and environment, and a great transformation, though short.
I would keep it as is up until the transformation and then spend a bit more time on the clothes. What they look, feel, and smell like. Matt is exploring a fantasy that is turning sexual, while under pressure. His heart would be racing, he would be nervous and checking the time again before committing. In fight or flight he would be very perceptive. Are the boxers stretchy and fit, or lose. The sweat pants would be loose and at least too long. Are the clothes dirty and smelly, or does Liam care a lot about appearance and keep them clean and doused in Lynx?
Where I really would like to change direction is when Liam enters the locker room. I would like them to have each other's body, mannerisms, and speech, but keep their own minds. Matt, though now the physically imposing one, would at least start out the submissive and regret the situation they are in. Liam, after the initial shock, would be outraged be the "theft" and complain about his new body, while his soccer kit is literally falling off him. "And this dick! It's so short it can't reach into anything!"
Matt angers as well, both about the abuse of his old body and the accusation that this is all his fault, and decides to get physical. Liam quickly decides that he better run. Matt tries to stop him, but Liam while new to the body, is better both at soccer and fighting, and hits him in his still hurt foot. Liam dashes out of the room with all of Matt's clothes. "If you come anywhere near your old house I'll call the police and have them hit you with an ASBO so hard you'll pick trash for a year."
Matt has no idea what Liam can actually do, so he decides to throw Liam's soccer kit in the gym bag and go "home" to where ever Liam lives and decide what to do next. He has some trouble finding his way to the flat, finding everything about this part of the town, the public transport, the buildings, to be worn and depressing.
When he finally finds the flat he discovers that it is a small one room apartment that Liam apparently lives in alone. It's littered with trash, clothes, bicycle parts, tools, and training gear. Beside the bed the most prominent furniture is a gym bench with a barbell, and some dumbells next to it. Matt has no idea how to use it, but discovers by just picking up a dumbell that his body kind of knows how to use it.
He doesn't have much time to explore though, as someone is knocking on the door. Another chav is at the door telling him that he got the text message. Liam wonders what text message but decides to play along. The guy proceeds to enter the flat and pick up the laptop, telling Matt that he can get the money in 2-3 days, and left. Matt realizes that he has neither his nor Liams cell phone, and that he wouldn't know the PIN of Liam's phone if he did.
Coming to the conclusion that Liam is actively trying to sabotage for him, Matt feels the need to try to find something he can use against Liam. After some searching he realizes what a stupid idea that was. Why would there be anything in Liam's apartment to use against Liam if Liam is now Matt. Anything illegal would just be against him. He gets a scary thought. If he and Liam swapped bodies, does that mean that he now is as stupid as Liam was? Was Liam stupid to begin with? Matt doesn't feel stupid, but all decisions he made so far have been bad.
He then stumbles upon the gym bag again. What if he can reverse it by doing the same thing again. He gets naked and gets dressed with Liam's soccer kit. Shirt, cum-sticky shorts, knee-socks, and cleats. It's all damp and smells like you would expect clothes that marinated in sweat and cum for a few hours would smell like. It's getting him turned on though. There is no full length mirror in the flat, but by moving around in the bathroom he can get a pretty good idea of what he looks like from the sink mirror.
Perhaps more than he looks, the way he moves turns him on immensely. With no underwear and Liam's large dick he is soon presenting a quite impractical tent.

And that's where those notes end. At that point I started writing out the actual rewrite instead, but left it in the middle of May 2019. I discovered them again when I was going through an old drive a month ago and decided to finish and publish it. I think the one thing that was part of the original plan that didn't make it into what I published was to address what happened later. I deliberately set up the story so that Matt and Liam would swap bodies and memories, but keep their temperaments. Liam remains cutthroat and driven as Matt, which is what enables him to take his intellect and knowledge and create a billion-dollar company, something original Matt wouldn't have managed.

Original Story

Matt was studying in the library it was kind of his sanctuary, he was at sixth form college studying for his diploma in IT. Matt had always been into computers growing up he spent all of his free time at home playing around with building PC’s and laptops and even knew how to do coding and programming.

Liam was also at the same college as Matt but he was taking a practical course in the tech side of the college, training to become a builder. Liam came from a different background to Matt, he spend most of his childhood running free on the estate away from his mum who was usually sat in front of the TV or down the local with her mates drinking. Liam largely fending for himself and lacking a degree of respect for others could often be a bit of a bully!

Everything would have been fine for Matt if it were not for the way this college ran its classes. Despite running completely separate courses and qualifications, they ran a set of mandatory mixed classes throughout the week where regardless of the course being studied, students would be mixed up and each set would have to do one PE lesson and one social studies lesson each week. It was supposed to promote integration and team building among the students. This wasn’t something that particularly bothered Liam but Matt struggled, as PE was never really his strong point. Unfortunately for Matt his timetable happened to link up with Liam’s course, Matt would dread every Thursday afternoon knowing that cock Liam would be there taking the piss out of him and embarrassing him in front of all of the other students.

PE lessons were usually just a game of football, Liam loved it, it was a free afternoon where he didn’t have work and he could have a kick about. He was pretty good at football anyway as he spend a lot of his spare time playing on the green next to his estate. Matt was not sporty, not in the slightest! It would annoy Liam that Matt had no interest and was absolutely useless, so he took great pleasure in winding him up and making sure Matt knew how shit he was.

It was Thursday again already and Matt had been dreading this afternoon all day! They hadn’t long kicked off the game when out of nowhere Matt felt a jolt in his back and a stomp on his foot as he flew forward on to the ground being shoved by Liam, Liam smirked chuckling to himself , he had timed it just right, the tutor was looking the other way and hadn’t seen a thing. The thud of Matt face planting the pitch immediately drew the attention of the tutor, Liam wasn’t in the least bit worried, he knew Matt was too chicken to dob him in. The tutor asked Matt if he was ok, Matt a bit shaken stuttered “Yes sir, I’m ok I just tripped and I think I’ve done my ankle.” The tutor quickly inspected Matt’s ankle and suggested he go back to the changing rooms and sit this week out. Despite his thankfully only minor injury and the way Liam had treated him he was actually kind of pleased, at least it meant he got to skip PE this week. The pain was almost worth it.

Matt sat down in the changing room and took a deep breath as he slowly pulled his shoe off, his ankle was a little swollen. He continued to get undressed taking his kit off and folding everything up neatly, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the pile of clothes on the opposite bench loosely laid out. It was Liam’s tracksuit, he didn’t know why but he really had the urge to try them on, Matt was about as far from a chav as you could think but he kind of liked the style of Liam’s clothes. He justified the idea to himself as if it would be a big fuck you to Liam knowing he had dressed up in his clothes and pretended to be a dick like him and Liam would have no idea. Besides there was ages yet before anyone would be coming back to get changed, Matt began dressing himself in Liam’s clothes.

To Matt’s surprise Liam’s boxer briefs were also in the pile of clothes, that must mean he was commando in his football shorts out there! The thought actually turned Matt on a little, he wasn’t gay but he couldn’t get the image out of his head. Matt thought to him self if he was going to dress up as liam he may as well do it properly, he slipped on Liam’s boxers, his socks then joggers, he then slipped his feet into Liam’s 95’s they were a little big for him, Liam was a size 11 and Matt only a size 8. Slopping around in Liam’s trainers Matt pulled the t-shirt over his head, putting on the hoody and zipping it up, taking off his glasses before finishing the look finally putting Liam’s cap on tucking his hair up to make it look short like Liam’s. Matt could see the growing bulge beginning to poke through Liam’s joggers, whether it was the fear of being caught or his growing attraction to Liam he was finding it harder and harder to ignore how turned on he had begun to feel.

Matt paraded around the changing room pretending to be Liam, walking around with an over exaggerated swag in his step and a cocky stance of self importance. Matt’s boner was really starting to become a pain, he lowered his hand to his crotch to try and adjust himself from outside Liam’s joggers grabbing a handful of his package. To Matt’s horror he hadn’t realised how close to the edge he was, all it took was just the extra bit of movement for him to loose control and pass the point of no return “SHIT SHIT SHIT!” Matt blew a huge load into Liam’s boxers! Fuck! How the hell was he going to get away with this? Liam was going to notice this! And it couldn’t be anyone else! He sat back down on the bench in a panic, lifting his foot he tried to slip off one of Liam’s trainers. Something wasn’t quite right, they didn’t fit this snug before! Surely they hadn’t shrunk, and his feet couldn’t have swollen up that much so quickly for no reason. He slipped his foot back in and paused for a moment aware that everything seemed clearer, he felt his face in disbelief checking if he had forgotten putting his glasses back on, but there was nothing there.

Matt stood back up and walked over to the mirror, he couldn’t help but notice the way he involuntarily walked with a similar stride to that he had before whilst mimicking Liam. Matt gasped at his reflection, the strands of hair that he had tucked up into Liam’s cap had gone, rubbing the side of his head with the tips of his fingers the sides of his head were shaved to almost nothing. Taking his cap off Matt revealed the exact same haircut Liam had, shaved back and sides with a short trim on top combed forward to a short straight cut fringe. As Matt continued to examine his hair his attention was drawn to his face, his jawline was narrowing, his facial features growing sharper like Liam’s, Matt’s nose also narrowed to the same shape as Liam’s. Matt in his disbelief looking at himself in the mirror said to himself “holy shit! What the hell is happening to me?” This only made things more confusing as he uttered the words in Liam’s voice and accent. The final physical changes taking place as his arms, legs and torso stretched making him taller like Liam.

Liam had continued playing football with the lads while Matt had been gone, something wasn’t right though, he just couldn’t seem to get into the game. Liam was making all sorts of mistakes and getting a bit of stick for it too. To make matters worse he had started to get an awkward boner, he usually liked to go commando in his kit but this suddenly felt like a bad idea. It was getting harder to conceal his erection which only further distracted him from the game, then without warning he blew his load into his shorts! Liam suddenly thought to himself “shit! I have get out of here before it shows and starts dribbling down his leg!”. He was so embarrassed which was unlike him. Liam made an excuse that he was desperate for the toilet, so he could go clean himself up in the changing rooms.

On his way back Liam was oblivious to the changes he was going through. He had lost the swagger in his walk, his slim toned body was softening as were his facial features, he was beginning to look more and more like Matt with every step. Liam’s hair had grown so much he had to sweep his fringe across his face. Approaching the changing rooms Liam was finding it harder to focus on his surroundings, his eyesight was so bad. Liam looked up at the door frame as he walked into the changing rooms, he was sure it wasn’t that tall before.

No one could have prepared Liam for what he was about to see, he saw himself stood there in the changing rooms looking in the mirror! Instead of any other reaction he was consumed by fear, he dreaded this presence. Matt turned from the mirror to see Liam stood there looking exactly like he used to, already becoming consumed with Liam’s personality traits he smirked at Liam. For some reason he felt the need to poke fun at this nerdy weakling! “Ahh look who it isn’t! The fucking nerdy little computer geek!” Liam was starting to tremble in fear of what Matt was going to do to him, Liam had lost all of his confidence. Matt grabbed Liam with both hands on the shoulders and pushed him down into a sitting position on the bench, “Look mate, is don’t know how this happened but ere’s how it’s gonna go, I’m the fuckin boy now! Your just a nerdy little freak! And there ain’t nothin yous can do about it! Your gonna do whatever I say Matt!” Liam recoiled as the words hit him being called Matt, what was he going to do? He was no match for Liam! Just at that moment the changing rooms were filled by the sound of shouting and stomping foot steps as everyone began piling back into the changing rooms after the game.

Matt snapped into character he had so much confidence it came naturally to him pretending to be Liam. The new Matt sat there still on the bench, he never showed much of any emotion before but he was quickly becoming overcome, his eyes welling up, he tried to fight back the tears. One of the lads noticed and started to poke fun, Liam joining in too he loved to make fun of the nerdy weaklings. Matt stood up grabbing his stuff and ran from the changing rooms scrambling to put his glasses on so he didn’t bump into anything on his way out making it worse for himself. Liam burst out laughing, he felt so powerful everyone looking to him as a kind of pack leader.

Liam adjusted pretty easily to his new life, studying building was a piece of piss, his broken home life was a bit of shitter but he felt used to it, as each day went by it felt more natural. Matt kept a very low profile from that day, Liam hardly ever saw him any more, Matt had somehow managed to get his time table switched so he didn’t have to take the same PE class anymore. Matt ended up finishing college with amazing grades and getting a good job in software design, eventually setting up his own business and making a lot of money, Liam after college only ever worked for someone else as a builder never really progressing much further, he should have felt bitter about loosing his long term successful future as Matt after college but having walked in Liam’s shoes for long enough now he couldn’t even imagine being like he used to be, destined to live out the rest of his days as a chav.


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