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It wasn't like I was at one place and then suddenly another. It was more like I'd been suddenly awakened from sleep and couldn't tell when I fell asleep, or really what I did before going to bed. I was sitting in the abductor, thank God, so while there was a loud metal noise when I suddenly dropped the weights it appeared more like an inconsiderate douche move than a horrible accident. Had I been using any pull machines, or worse, done free weights, this would have gone much different. Now I didn't catch more attention than a few glances. No, the only one really in shock was me. First I was racking my brain on where I was. My memory was like pulling taffy. I stared at my arm. What I saw was impossible. The arms moved as I commanded them to, but they were easy twice the size of what they should be, and covered in veins.

Shaken I got up and staggered towards where I vaguely recalled the locker room was. What was the last thing I could remember? I'd been to class and was leaving campus. I think I strayed into the industrial lot with the dumpsters. Did I dumpster dive? I think I did.

There wasn't really any thought at all in my head as I faced the mirror just inside the locker room. The face looked the same as always. Perhaps a bit flush and a bit more chiseled. The hair was all trimmed down to half-inch at the longest, shorter on the sides. A silly little beard on the chin, about the same length. But the body. The body was nowhere near the same. Everything was wider, by a lot. Still unable to fully grasp reality I grabbed the loose sleeveless T-shirt, pulled it over my head, and just dropped it on the floor while my eyes remained transfixed on my mirror image. I was a beast.

I could feel my brain clawing back memories. Memories of me signing up at the gym. Memories of me doing food prep. Memories of me having long ago settled arguments of how I wasted my time and neglected my studies. I remember friends lost and new friendships forged. How long had it been? My face didn't look that much older, but I faintly remembered celebrating one year without cheat meals with a midnight marathon. Despite all of it feeling like the lingering memory of a dream I instantly knew I had no choice but continue from here. Where I was and who I was in the past was gone.

As my eyes glanced over my body trying to remember how it got to where it is I kept glancing at the pendant between my massive pecs. I had no recollection of it except a very distinct feeling of unease. Carefully, almost with dread, I pulled the chain over my head and held it in my hand. The pendant was smooth, featureless, but almost cold to the touch. I threw it into the nearest trashcan, happy to be rid of it. Don't know why.


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