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It's spreading again, faster than ever before. This time I'm not scared though. The first time I was so scared something was wrong with me. Well, something is wrong with me. At least I'm not normal. I know it stated in the shin that first time. Felt like the leg was asleep. Like static noise in the muscle. I kept massaging it to bring it back to life, but it just kept spreading, down the foot, up past the knee. I don't know why, but somehow I didn't want to wake mum. Any normal person would have. When it started to spread down the other leg and up to my chest I should have freaked out, screaming and demanding we rush to an emergency room. Instead I just remained lying in bed. If it had been a brain hemorrhaging or a blood clot or any other of the few possible causes of those symptoms, all very bad by the way, mum would have found me dead. I didn't know then I would wake up like normal the day after. Well, not normal. Normal for someone who had lived an active life for years, which I had not. I suddenly had shoulders, pecs, almost abs. I pretended like nothing. "How could I miss my baby boy growing up so fast?!" my mother scolded herself a day later when I said I needed new clothes. Still raw over my impulse to just die rather than bother anyone I told her she had enough to worry about and hugged her too hard.

It was like a month until the next episode. I can't remember where it started, but took like a day to so for it to finish, firming everything up in like a rolling sore. Then a week or so later another one. And another one. And another one. I mean, I ought to be scared. I have no idea what this will lead to, if it ever stops. I guess I'm not normal.


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