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He is sleeping hard under me, completely exhausted. If he was on his back he would have snored like a fucking quad, but like this it is peaceful. He's going to have some pretty deep sheet wrinkles on his skin tomorrow, though that will be the thing least on his mind. I was pretty spent too. It takes a lot of energy to completely transform someone, though at least by now I know what I want. I pick a smoke from my back pocket and light it, still straddling him. Transforming someone is pretty fucking intimate, in some ways deeper than sex, and I'm hesitant to get up. Is there something more I can do to make him even more perfect?

I ruffle his wide mohawk hair. That's about as liberal as you get around here, having a haircut fancier than buzz or don't. Fuck what a difference a few hours make, from when he rolled into Jen's Roadside to have something to eat and gas up his red Toyota Corolla. It's about the only place around here with scheduled cleaning, so I like to eat my lunch slowly. I don't know why, but he looked a bit lost so I waved him to my table, asked him to join me. I could see he hesitated a bit. He was in his forties and wore shirt, khakis, and his pure white "travel New Balance". I was... well I don't know how old I look. 25? I bet the look of me in cutoff shirt, jeans, and army surplus boots picking through my steak and mash with a fork made him wonder why I wanted him there.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get people to open up and tell me what's really on their mind. He talked about how the past year had been a struggle for him. His wife had left him. She took the house. No children. He hated his job. I've heard it a few times before. I had to thread that needle. Did he think the world was too complicated? What if it could all just go away and he could start over? Was he really that into women to begin with, given his track record?

We spoke for over an hour, almost two. By that time I was sure no one would miss him, and he wouldn't miss anyone. I don't know what he thought I had to offer, but he was interested enough to step into my Ram. First thing I do is always give a little taste, right inside the door.  I told him to watch himself in the mirror and then I quickly shaved off a good decade from his face. The hands always go up. They want to feel it. They can't believe what they see. Suddenly they realize that a new life, a fresh start, isn't just a figure of speech, and he's out of his clothes and on my bed almost as fast as I can give directions.

This time I didn't do anything to his mind. Body changes only. Younger, shorter, stronger, and a whole range of tweaks. Well, I did change his name to Kyle. Some traditions should be observed. I take another deep inhale. Transformations may be as intimate as sex, but hasn't done anything to abate my horniness. I don't know if it is better or worse to perform transformations when you are horny. Might be like shopping when you are hungry. You get all kinds of candy that aren't good for anyone. I'm starting to doubt I did the right decision to not mess with his head. How many days will he be upset or have regrets about what he's done? That's more days he will not let me fuck him.

Perhaps he'll try to get back to his old life, despite not looking or sounding the same, and being half his old age. I usually at least replace the names of everyone he knew. An endless stream of Gunner, Trigger, Skinner, and Tanner. Makes it hard to convince someone you are you when you don't even know their name. Perhaps I should at least wipe out all his pin codes and passwords? Nah, it will just be flagged as a fraud attempt anyway. Well, I can always change my mind later. Time is all we have out here. Besides, I'm exhausted too and I still have a Toyota Corolla to get rid of.


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