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My expanded version of papermoon357's caption.

The whole thing started Tuesday morning. Matthew was in the shower, late out of bed as usual, when I came back from my morning run. I don't know if we just happened to get into an unfortunate rhythm where he would occupy the bathroom just as I needed it, or if he did it on purpose so I would make breakfast for him. I don't mind though, as he probably wouldn't have any at all if I didn't. All I do is to put the yogurt and oats on the table, which I would have done anyway, and brew two cups of coffee instead of one. That day was a bit different though as I had some new shit from Mike to try out. He said half a teaspoon of it in hot water, like normal, every gym day, but that this new formula was significantly better than the old one. I like to mix mine in my morning coffee, so that's what I did.

My phone buzzed just as I had prepared the coffee. It was a question from Dillon on what chapters we should have read for the afternoon class. Typical him to wait until the morning before to actually read them. I went to my bedroom to get the actual chapter numbers from my notes, and when I returned Matthew sat at the kitchen table, eating yogurt and drinking my coffee with my muscle boost. I was just about to burst out that it was expensive shit, but he couldn't know I had already stirred it in, so I just joined him and filled my own bowl with yogurt.

"Good Morning."

If the coffee tasted any different to him, he didn't say anything.

I had forgotten all about it when I came back home that afternoon, but in all the time we've shared the house, almost a year now, Matthew had never helped cleaning outside of our pre-scheduled cleaning days. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him vacuuming the floor. "What?" he screamed over the vacuum noise, "it was dirty and I felt I had to move. Been studying all day." I wasn't sure, but I could almost bet that he filled out the T-shirt a little more than that morning. Apparently whatever Mike had gotten his hands on was strong and acting really fast. I knew it was morally wrong, probably illegal, but I just knew I had to give him another dose, so the morning after I did pretty much the same thing. Had a run and made breakfast as Matthew finished up his shower. This time I put a spoon of the stuff in both our cups.

"Good Morning."

There wasn't a huge difference that afternoon, if any at all. The first muscles are always the easiest, so perhaps this was as far as he would go on supplements alone. I was feeling great, but I wasn't sure if it was due to the powder or if I just had a really good practice.

"Everything's good?"
"Yeah. I actually went for a walk today after morning classes. Made me miss lunch. You up for some monster taco takeout?"
"Yeah, sure."

I've never seen him eat so much food before. I decided then that I should stop giving him any more supplements. They were clearly messing with him more than I intended. The next morning however I couldn't believe my eyes as I stepped into the kitchen. Not only did I find Matthew awake, but completely transformed from lanky history major to a muscled jock body. Still a history major I suppose.

"Eh... Morning"
"Hey bro. You think I wouldn’t notice you dosing my coffee with that jock growth shit? Making me grow all week and get all horny for muscle? Could’ve just asked dude. I’ve always wanted to be a hot jock. So I went ahead and used a cup of that shit yesterday and fuck it feels good. I’m gettin swoll dude. You wanted a cocky muscle bro for a roomie? Well look at me now. I’m just getting started."


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