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I can't see for myself, but I bet I look exactly like the kind of deviant that would do this type of kinky shit on a weekend. I must admit I was curious when he asked me to put on the rubber suit, and I had too many party chemicals in my blood to ask why he had one in my size. I know I followed him down the stairs to his "playroom", and I got into the damn thing willingly, though with plenty of help. I’ve never gone near the stuff before. Then I'm not really sure how the restraints came on. I think I blacked out for a moment. When I came to it was anything but black. Lots of LED lamps in the ceiling keeping the room blindingly white. I can see at least two cameras pointed at me. Someone is watching on the other side as well, because if I manage to wiggle too far from my spot someone enters the room, grabs me, and pulls me back. There have been two different dudes doing that so far, and none of them the guy that picked me up, I think.

After hours of pleading, screaming, and just lying still someone entered with a small tray of barber tools. He ran a clipper up my sides and the back of the skull, but did some more precision work using scissors on the top. I have no idea what it looks like, but they swiped away quite of lot of hair from the floor.

Perhaps an hour later he came back with new tools and did the nose piercing and put in the ring or whatever dangles there. I tried to plead with him and I tried to get away, but I'm no match to anyone like this. If they just asked I might have played along this far, but I don't know where this is going. Is this a porno, a live stream, a snuff movie? The uncertainty is what really scares me.


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